My Daughter's Surprise

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

Today was a busy day just like the past few days and what makes today worse is the weather. It rained all day and I was glued to some work that I want to finish before the weekend. When I stopped around noon time just before lunch,my daughter surprised me with a cake that had, "NEGATIVE!" on it. This is about my monthly swab test result. I know how happy she was that I was negative because if it was the other way around, she will again go through the same ordeal we went through last month, she was quarantined in her room for 15 days.

She told me she was willing to go through it all again, no problem because anyway they have their semestral break but she said of course, it is far better if we both don't. We are having our house built at this time and we are halfway so it would be a bummer if Covid happens to me again.

I need to have my swab test monthly, because I am a dialysis patient. We go to the hospital regularly, 2-3 times a week thus we are so much at risk and has possible exposure. It's a tough life but it's manageable and definitely not hopeless. I prefer to watch the good moments happening just like me daughter's sweet and thoughtful gesture earlier. That's what life is all about and makes it worth living!

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