A Lesson Learned From My Boss

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

In a videocall earlier with my boss, there was this long dead air after we had some serious talk about his project and I did not know how to end it so I tried to chichat. Usually, I would ask about the weather but that was something we had talked about earlier today so I asked about something else, I asked about why he is never in a bad mood and why I have not heard him talk about problems at all. He laughed a little and told me the secret is the spa. He goes to the spa everyday, 7 days a week. In fact, he never bathes in his house, it is always at the spa. There he can unload everything, have a hot water bath for an hour and think, think, think. His ideas about his businesses and all that, he admits to having them in the spa where he is relaxed, focused and can concentrate in thinking deep. He told me, "If you do not have spa, just make sure you bathe at night, a long, warm bath then afterwards, sip a glass of wine or maybe coffee, if you cannot have wine." Maybe I will take that as an advice. I have never tried that but it makes sense. I really believe that fixing your problems and the road to being unproblematic depends on you and you alone, how you respond to things and deal with the solutions. I am glad I had this convo with my boss, it is simple but for me that has been more than enlightening. I have been trying self-love on me but I never thought of a long, warm bath and relaxing at night with coffee or wine. It's worth a try.

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