The Challenging Life of a Prince

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

Do you know the Ottoman State? Today I will talk about the descendants of many sultans such as Suleiman the Magnificent and Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror. So I'm talking about Hanedan-ı Âl-i Osman. I share with you the turbulent and complex life of Prince Mehmed Orhan Osmanoğlu:

He was born on 10 November 1909 in Üsküdar. Enver Pasha's policy of raising princes began in his childhood. [1] He graduated from Galatasaray High School (Mekteb-i Sultani) and went to the Military Academy. When he was 15, he was exiled with his family. He was never good with his father, either. That is why he could not stay with his father in Pest (Hungary) for long while he was in exile. He went to Beirut (Lebanon) with his uncle. He had a fight with a priest in the school he was writing and was expelled from school.

He loved his uncle, but that is why he could no longer stay there. He turned to Pest. Orhan did not stop at Pest for a long time. He went to the city of Nice, France to Naime Sultan's aunt. Orhan, who did not stay long with his aunt, bought a second line ticket from the ferry to Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina today. He had 8 francs in his pocket when he landed in the city.He got a job in a factory in Buenos Aires. He was a porter in the first months.

He became friends with the four Kayseri residents working there. In Kurt Bayram Ağa; You're 50 kilos, 70 kilos of sacks. I was very surprised by that. "He never forgot what he said. He worked in the factory for 6 months. Then he worked in a garage. He worked in auto repair and learned to drive. He was a driver for a year. He met a girl here. He was the daughter of a wealthy Lebanese family, and his father agreed to give this poor man his daughter." Mehmet Orhan asked his future father: Mother-in-law would ask Abdülmecid, the last caliph of the dynasty, in Nice, France, by telegram, but the caliph did not reply.

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