Massive Mountains and Turquoise Water, Lake Louis in Canada - BEAUTIFUL PLANET - Pictures from a great journey Vol. 4 ENG/GER

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

Here comes another chapter of my travel blog BEAUTIFUL PLANET and another place I would like to tell you about.

Lake Louise in the Canadian part of the Rocky Mountains.

The whole area is just brimming of beautiful untouched nature and is a paradise for outdoor activities like hiking or mountain biking.

Lake Louise which is located in Banff National Park is just one of the many amazing places you need to see when you are traveling this region.

The scenery is just outstanding, truly turquoise water surrounded by soaring mountain tops. Even the towering Chalet Lake Louise seems to have blended into that atmosphere.

If you are around you should make sure to bring some hiking boots to go on the Six Glacier Walk. Since it is now one of the most popular trails in the National Park it can get busy at peak times in summer but not everybody makes it to the very end were you are rewarded with some jaw-dropping panoramas.

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Und hier kommt eine weitere Folge meines Reiseblogs BEAUTIFUL PLANET.

Dieses Mal sind wir in den Kanadischen Rocks Mountains, genauer gesagt in Lake Louis.

Die gesamte Gegend ist einfach nur voll mit unberührter Natur und sie ist ein Paradies für Outdoor-Aktivitäten wie Wandern und Mountain-Biking.

Lake Louise liegt im Banff National Park ist nur einer der vielen fantastischen Orte für die es sich in diese Region zu reisen lohnt.

Die Landschaft ist einfach nur toll, wirklich türkisfarbenes Wasser umgebend von himmelhoch aufstehenden Bergen. Sogar das am östlichen Seeufer gelegene Hotel Chat Lake Louise scheint hier hinzugehören.

Falls ihr es mal hierher schaffen solltet, müsst ihr unbedingt auf den Six-Glacier-Walk gegen. Dies ist eine der populärsten Wanderungen in dieses Gegend und es kann auf den Wegen auch schon mal ein bisschen voller werden, aber nicht alle schaffen es bis zum Ende, wo ihr mit wirklich traumhaften Aussichten belohnt werdet.


From the mountains on the northern side you might get the best view over the lake and the area that lies beyond. Lots of unspoiled forest and giant mountain massives so far as the eye can reach.


The different wings of the Chalet Lake Louis were build at different times and the oldest still existing part is over 100 years old. Somehow even this huge concert building seems to fit into this marvelous atmosphere.


The glacial lake was actually called Lake of the Little Fishes by the Stoney Nakoto people who had lived here long before the first Europeans set their first steps into this region.


In summertime it can get a bit crowded on the lakes surface when lots of kayakers take over to enjoy some different perspectives while being active and out in the nature.

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Beyond the western shore of the lake an impressive rock massive hosting is towering up, that's where the Six Glacier Walk is leading us.

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After about two thirds of the hike you will have left most of the crowd behind you and only a few people will go to the very end, where the path becomes steeper and more and more gravely.

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But the spectacular panorama that stretches in front of your eyes is the best reward and definitely worth the little trouble of getting here and brings you down into a humble state of being.

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If you are quiet enough you will be able to become friends with some cute locals....

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...which might be even ready to pose for some close-up shots.

The Canadian Rockies are another example how wonderful and great our planet is. The size of the mountains and the vastness of almost untouched nature, I only can bend down my head and be outmost grateful for having the privilege to come to this astoundingly beautiful place.

Die Kanadischen Rocky Mountains sind ein weiteres Beispiel dafür, wie großartig und wundervoll unsere Erde doch ist. Die Größe der Berge und diese Weiten von noch kaum betretender Natur lassen mich als Menschen wieder ganz klein und bescheiden werden und einfach nur dankbar, dass ich diese einzigartige Region besuchen durfte.

Please let us not forget, wherever we travel, let us protect our beautiful planet and let us only leave footprints.

Love and Respect!!

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