chimney [esp-eng]

in blurtstory •  3 years ago 

Once upon a time there were two sisters who lived in a region with a very cold climate, which was almost freezing, the skinny one of the sisters was called Irene and the fat one was called Lucia.

While the fat Lucia was dying of heat and was walking with very light clothes, the skinny Irene was dying of cold.

The cold wave arrived, it was so great that Irene froze even the fingertips, for her it was a tragedy when the cold wave arrived, she enabled the chimney to catch its heat, she practically spent the whole day glued to the chimney. On the other hand, the fat Lucia suffered and was constantly fighting with her sister to put out the chimney.

They often fought Lucia did not understand why her sister suffered from so much cold, she said to her mother:

-Something was wrong with her, she laughed out loud hahahahahaha. You have a bad thermostat, you should go check it.

One day the skinny Irene did not get out of bed and her sister worried him so much that he went to the room and found her almost unconscious. Despite her fights with her sister, she loved her very much. Lucia began to shout:

-Mother, you have to come, the skinny Irene is almost fainted. That night the cold had been very strong, said the Empress the mother of the sisters.

The Empress called the emergency room and immediately a doctor came and took care of the skinny Irene's case, he ordered hormonal tests that he suspected was happening in Irene.

Indeed, the results came back and she showed that her thyroid values ​​were very low, which produced hypothermia in her. Immediately she indicated medical treatment and began to take the medications, after a month the skinny Irene was much better and she hardly sat near the chimney. Her sister Lucia understood why her sister behaved like this and they became more united, the excess of cold that she felt in her body began to diminish but she always used the chimney to warm her body.



Erase una vez dos hermana que vivían en una región con un clima muy frío, que casi congelaba, la flaca de las hermanas se llamaba Irene y la gorda se llamaba Lucia.

Mientras la gorda Lucía se moría de calor y andaba con ropa muy ligera, la flaca Irene se moría de frío.

Llegó la oleada de frío era tan grande que Irene se congelaban hasta la yemas de los dedos, para ella era una tragedia cuando llegaba la oleada de frío, habilitaba la chimenea para poder agarrar su calor, prácticamente pasaba todo el dia pegada de la chimenea. En cambio la gorda Lucia sufría y pasaba en constante pelea con su hermana para que apagara la chimenea.

Peleaban a menudo Lucia no entendía porque su hermana sufría de tanto frío, decía a su madre:

-algo andaba mal en ella, se reía a carcajadas jajajajajajaja. Tiene el termostato malo, debes ir a revisarlo.

Un día la flaca Irene no se levantaba de la cama y su hermana le preocupó tanto que se dirigió a la habitación y la encontró casi inconsciente. A pesar de sus peleas con su hermana ella la quería mucho. Lucía empezó a gritar:

-Madre tienes que venir la flaca Irene está casi desmayada. Esa noche el frío había sido muy fuerte, acotó la señora Emperatriz la madre de las hermanas.

La señora Emperatriz llamó a emergencias y enseguida vino un médico y atendió el caso de la flaca Irene, ordenó unos exámenes hormonales que él sospechaba lo que pasaba en Irene.

Efectivamente llegaron los resultados y arrojo que tenía los valores de la tiroides muy bajo, lo que producía en ella hipotermia. Enseguida indicó tratamiento médico y comenzó a tomar los medicamentos, al cabo de un mes la flaca Irene estaba bastante mejor y casi no se sentaba cerca de la chimenea. Su hermana Lucía entendió porque su hermana se comportaba así y se volvieron más unidas, el exceso de frío que ella sentía en su cuerpo empezó a disminuir pero siempre utilizaba la chimenea para calentar su cuerpo.

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