Know Your Future

in blurtstory •  4 months ago 

On a Saturday morning, Gabriella picked up her phone while still on bed and began to stroll on her Facebook news feed and she stumbled upon an advertisement from the 'Know Your Future' Facebook page. She clicked and entered the Facebook page to know more about the Fortune teller, lo and behold, the first thing that welcomed her were the testimonies of others who had patronized the fortune teller.
She had heard so much about scam in online fortune telling, but this particular one looks different as she assumed.
One of the testimonies that captured her mind was from a lady who was shown her future partner, and they got married within two months later.
"No way, this must be an arrangement!" She said loudly.

"Should I try this out to know whether they're fake or not?" She questioned herself, but the thought of getting scammed dawned on her mind. She would prefer a one-on-one deal with the fortune teller than dealing online. So she went further to chat with them, requesting a one-on-one meeting, and they gave her the address and scheduled a meeting with her that same day by 12noon. Interestingly, the office location was within the city, so she got up from bed, dressed up, and headed up to the address given to her because time was close already.

On getting there, the setting of the place amazed her because she was expecting to see a room filled with deities and red-colored candles glowing with lights and smokes. But she saw rather a well-designed office with nice furniture and décos.

"You can sit down, ma, while I go inside to tell my boss that you're around, but by the way, what's your name and your identification number?" The attendant offered her a seat with paper and a pen in his hands, waiting for her to write down her details as she calls.

"I'm Gabriella, and my identification number is HT006." She answered her.

The attendant left to call the boss while Gabriella began to fantasize the beauty of the office. "I just hope this is not a scam zone," she pondered.

In the mist of gazing and admiring the office, she saw a man walked in from what seemed to be a private door.
"You are Gabriella with HT006 as your identification number?" The man asked as he stretched his hand for a handshake, and Gabriella reciprocated the handshake with a reply, "Yes."

You're highly welcome, have your seat. The man offered her a seat, and Gabriella sat down.

"First of all, you need to deposit a sum of N10,000 before we start anything, and then after we are done, you'll complete the payment if it works out well." The man said.

"Okay, I don't have a problem with that, give me the account details." Gabriella responded, the account details were called for her, and she did that money transfer ASAP.

"So, what part of your future do you want to see?" The man asked as he brought out a series of tarot cards and sprayed them on the table.

"I have two guys in my life, Henry and George, the two of them are ready for marriage with good intentions, and I want to know whom to choose because I'm confused. I trust you to pick it up from there," she said with a mixed of seriousness and a smile.

The fortune teller began shuffling the cards in a very fast manner and spread them out on the table with the different faces of the cards up.
"Young lady, are you sure there's Henry or George in your life?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," she responded.

"Hmmmm, my result here is showing that there are no such guys in your life, in fact, you're single." The man said with full confidence.

"What do you mean, sir, I should assume that you're fake?" Gabriella responded with the same boldness.
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"Young lady, it's obvious you're here for a test, and I can see that" He said as he sat down.

"Hahahaha! Yeah, actually, I just wanted to test if you were real or fake and I'm glad to know that you're real. I just made up the story to see if you would fall, but you surprised me." Gabriella said, feeling like she's the Chief commandant of CID(Criminal Investigation Department)

"Well, I won't take offense at you because you'll say good things about us when you leave this office, thus attracting others to come. I would also return your money; yes, I just feel like giving it back." The main added

"Awwwn, that's so kind of you!" She excitedly replied.

The man returned the money, and Gabriella walked out of the office.

"Who gave me the courage to do that?" This question lasted on her mind all through the weekend and she couldn't believe she actually walked into such place, put a test on them, came out with good result and unhurt.

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