Grandfather-grandchild gathered 43 tons of blue caps and gave hope to 137 people

in blurtstory •  4 years ago  (edited)

In Eskişehir, retired worker Halit Aydoğdu (72) and his grandson, high school student Melike Sarıtaş (16), collected 43 tons of blue caps in 11 years. Grandfather and grandchild bought 137 wheelchairs with the blue caps they collected.


Retired Halit Aydoğdu and his grandson, Gazi Vocational High School Radio and Television Department, 2nd grade student Melike Sarıtaş, living in Sümer Mahallesi, collect blue plastic caps for the disabled. Aydoğdu and his grandson sell the caps they collect to the recycling company and supply wheelchairs for the disabled with the money they get in return.


Halit Aydoğdu said that in exchange for 43 tons of blue caps they collected in 11 years, they bought 137 wheelchairs and gave 130 of them to the needy, and that they will deliver 7 wheelchairs soon. Stating that she started collecting blue caps for her grandson Melike, Halit Aydoğdu said:

"When Melike was going to primary school, her teachers said they would publish the ones who brought 500 covers to the magazine. My granddaughter went to the school with 485 covers she collected. But she came home crying because there were not 500 covers. I told her that I will collect thousands of covers next year. We collected over 30 thousand covers in return. When we gave the wheelchair to the needy, we continued to collect blue caps. Eskisehirand we gave it to various disabled people. We will send one of the 7 seats to Van and the others to various provinces. "

Halit Aydoğdu stated that they both collected blue caps and that the covers were sent by cargo from various provinces.

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