The story is angry girl...

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 


A boy came and proposed to Mim, Mim took the flower in his hand, what happened to the boy ...............

Because Mim is holding the boy's ear, slapping him ....
I also started looking for my friend Akash .........
After a while I got it ................................

I: Kiri Akash ,,,,,,,,,,

Akash: Hmm, say ,,,,!

Me: Aslam did not take any news in Shala College ,,,,,,,,,,, !!

Akash: I have just arrived ...... ###

I: Oh ... !! Let's go to class ,,,, ??

Akash: Hmm, let's go ,,,,,,

Me: Hmmmmmmmmm

Then Akash and I both went to class ,,,,,.
We both sat on a bench .... Mim after a while .......
He came to the class room and sat next to me
Said ................................................. .......

Mim: Where did you go ... ?? I searched for you a lot .......... !!

Me: Amito went to meet friends.

Mim: I will tell you ..... !!

I: sorry.ra .............

Mim: I'm sorry this time

I: Tenku ,,,,

Mim: Tenku na ..... Thanku .....

I: Hmm ,,,,,,,
• *

Then at the end of the class I went home ,,,,,,,,,.
The days were passing like this ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
And I started to love Mim very much ,,, !!!
But I was too scared to tell Mim ,,,, !!

I went to bed at night and posted on Facebook ,,,,, ..

Sent a friend request from a blue autopsy ID ,,,,,
I started thinking whether to do it or not ,,,,,,,, !! "!!!

However, for some reason I accepted ....................
And to accept the girl's ID
Immediately the girl gave a message ...................................

Neel Moyna: Hi ........ how are you ........................
(ID name is blue autopsy)

Me: I'm fine ...... !! You .... ???

Girl: Hmm good ,,,,, what do you do here .. ???

Me: I'm just lying at home .....

Girl: Me too ,,, !! What is your name ... ???

I: Nayan Ahmed .... **. What is your name ... ???

Girl: My name is Mim.

Me: Wow very nice name ,,,.

Girl: Your name is also beautiful .....

I: Thank you ,,,,,, I will sleep now ,,,,, Byyy ....

Girl: Hmm Byyy ........

Then I got lost in the land of sleep ...

I fell asleep at the sweet sound of someone in the morning ,,,,,,,,
Mim saw me
Calling ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ৷ ৷ ,,,,

I: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,,,,,,,,,,,

(I started kissing Mim in my sleep ,,,,,)

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,, ummmmmmmmmmm ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I know Mim would think I was hugging Mim thinking of my younger sister Chabina ,,,,,,,,, and kissing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,

But ,,, weird ,,, !!!!
Don't interrupt me today, meme ,,,,,,, but meme ,,,,,
A kiss on my forehead
Gone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Mmm: ,,,,,, ummmmmmmmm ,,,,,,,,, (Mim me
Kissed on the forehead and left ,,,,,)

I started thinking with my hands on my head ............... Mim
Do you love me ... ??? Mim if me
If you didn't live well, you wouldn't caress me .. !!!
Anyway, today I will propose to Mim in college ,,,,,,,,,,,,. Otherwise, it will be too late ,,,,,,,,,
Maybe I'll lose Mim again later ,,,,,,,,, !!!

Then I got out of bed and freshened up.
I came to my room. Well mim ,,,,,, I think ,,,
Love me ,, !!! But ,,,,,,, Why isn't Mim telling me ,,, ????

I started thinking about more memes ,,,,, !!!!
Suddenly someone knocked on the head ,,,,,
I looked up and saw Mimi ,,,,,,

What are you thinking?

Me: Nothing ...

Mim: It's down to eating food. Don't have to go to college

I: Hmm ,,, ৷ ,,,,,,

Then I came down and ate and told Mim ,,,,,,,,

Me: Mim ,,,, I have to go to college soon today ,,,,,

Mim: Why ,,,, ??

I: Need ,,,,,

Mim: Oh well ,,, (Mim said to himself that no matter what, today I will tell the eyes of my mind ,,,)

Me: Hmm, let's go ,,,,,,,,,

Mmm: Hmm ,,,,,

Then he took Mim to college by bike

Then come to an empty place
I got down ............................
Then Mim said ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Mim: Why did Kiri get down here ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Me: I had something to tell you Ray ,,,,,, ????

Mim: Hmm, I had something to say to you too ,,,,,, !!!!

Me: Well ,,, you say first ,,,, ??

Mim: No ,,, you say first ,,,,,,,, ??

I: Well ,,,,,,

Mmm: Hmm, say it.

I: Mmm I'm you ,,,,,,,,,, (stammering)

Mmm: Hmm, you me ,,,,,

I: Love ,,,,, 6

Mim: Who ,,, (makes the mood worse)

I: Mmm I love you ,,,,

What did Mim do after saying this ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  • -------- * --------- * --------- will continue ------- * --------- * - ------- *
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