Learn to smile instead of frown when people say no. Everyone has got their own problems and responsibilities.
What you see on the media space may not truly reflect how it is in real life
People only post breakthroughs, award and recognition certificates, engagement and marriage rings. People don't post negatives, turn downs, nays and rejection. Learn to appreciate no and live your failures.
If you wouldn't be happy to hear it in public someday, don't share it with anyone
If you confide in anyone, tell it to one person, that way it leaks out you'll know who to put the ropes on
When people confide in you, no matter how angry you are or how the make you feel, don't betray them
When you break up with a person, don't insult them, or use foul language on them or leak your intimate chats, thank them and wish them well. It was a relationship, not a war zone. Every experience counts
When you understand that pawpaw and guava trees may bear fruits at the same time, but they will take different times to ripen, then you'll understand the working of times and seasons. You may be age mates with a person but not grace mates.
Your time will come so long you don't give up and stop working on your dreams and passion