in blurtstory •  4 years ago  (edited)

At times, challenges occur in other to eject one to a higher level.

–How Alexander Fleming, a bacteriologist at St. Mary's Hospital in London, discovered the known antibiotic called Penicillin.

It happened that prof. Fleming left his lab under the care of his lab attendant and, inside a Petri dish in the lab was a freshly germinating staphylococcus bacteria which he had cultured before making his travel.
The bacteria was so difficult for him to grow but he did grow them in other to carry out an experiment.

But on September 3rd, 1928, something happened.

Fleming came back from his trip and found out that all the growing bacteria inside the dish have died. His lab attendance was so shocked about the incident. He feared that his master would skin him alive for being so careless. When Fleming asked what brought about the death of the growing staphylococci, he replied that he do not know. The wise Fleming did not confront him or sue him for the loss, rather he went close to his dish to check what caused the death.

Prof. Fleming observed closely and noticed something unusual. He noticed that there were molds, later identified as strains of penicillin, growing out of the dish.
He hurriedly extracted the secretion from the growing mold which caused the death of the staphylococcus bacteria.

He then grew another staphylococcus bacteria and added the extraction from the mold. Later he went back to check and noticed that the S. B has died again.
Then, Penicillin was born.

Accidentally, he had just discovered an antibiotic and at that time, hospitals were full of people with all manner of infections and doctors could do little but wait and hope.

Prof. Fleming was therefore given a Nobel price for that great 'accidental' discovery.

Check if he had attacked the lab attendant and after that, clear the dishes and then blame his village people for that great loss.


Some bad things happen to us so that it would prepare us for the fortune ahead. Never cease to believe!

My daily affirmation inspired by think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

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