Movie Review ~ Unpregnant

in blurtstory •  2 years ago 

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About the Movie
Unpregnant is a 2020 comedy-drama film, co-written and directed by Rachel Lee Goldenberg, released 10 September 2020, its running time is
104 minutes.

The Plot

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17-year-old Veronica carries out a pregnancy test in her college toilet and discovers that she is pregnant for her boyfriend Kevin, she decided to get an abortion but realizes that she can not get an abortion in Missouri which happens to be her home state without her parents' permission, also afraid of letting her three friends think bad about her, she decided to convinces her former friend Bailey who was found out about the pregnancy in the school toilet when the pregnancy strip fell off her hand to take a road trip with her to Albuquerque so she can get one there.

Along with her friend Bailey, she sets out to go to Albuquerque in New Mexico to have an abortion after realizing also that her supposed boyfriend was aware of the broken protection they used while having intercourse and had proposed to her the same day she told him about the pregnancy.

Both girls set out to Albuquerque with a little cash from Veronica's savings and also the money from the sale of the engagement ring Kevin had given to her.

While stopping at a diner Bailey gets frightened as she realises that corps were on their tail because of their car. The girls escape from being seen by corp when a guy named Jared who happens to like Veronica immediately walked into the dinner distracting the corps from their investigation. While on the run Bailey reveals that the car they are driving belongs to her mother's boyfriend.

They were given a ride downtown by their new friend Jared since they left the dinner without the car and were introduced to Matthew who happens to be a race car driver, who offers to drop them off at the closest bus station.

Bailey is immediately attracted to Matthew who happens to be a lady. Both ladies feel the connection and Bailey later has her first kiss with Matthews.

A couple who overhears their need for a ride to Albuquerque offers to drive them down there since they were also going the same way. Veronica decided to tell Matthew that her help would no longer be needed

Both girls wake in the morning and discovered that they are at the couple's house, where they discover that the couple is trying to stop Veronica from having the abortion and escape the couple's hands.

They arrive at the nearest bus station and stumbles upon Bob who agrees to help Veronica upon hearing she needs an abortion. He drives her to the clinic in an old limo and during the ride, both friends got into an argument after Bailey realizes that Veronica was trying to save her face by accepting with her friends that she was the owner of the disposed pregnancy strip that was found in the waste bin in the school.

Bailey leaves to see her estranged father, while Veronica continues to her appointment but when she discovers that Bailey had gone to see her father, she follows Bailey to the flower shop her father works in, she comes to defend Bailey when she sees her father treats her coldly.

They both journeyed back to the clinic for Veronica's appointment, there they find Kevin who threatens to tell everyone in school about Veronica's little secret but she tells him to go ahead and do it.

The abortion was carried out and after the abortion, both girls realize they have no more cash and decides to make calls to their mothers who get them home.

Veronica reveals to her mother her deed and at school the next day Veronica decides to tell her friends about it and she decided to continue her friendship with Bailey by going to sit with her at lunch.

My favourite character in this movie happens to Bailey who knows how to play her role well and creates a lot of humor making me laugh when necessary and creating suspense.

The movie was not boring as such and was worthwhile for me because it has a combination of comedy.

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