Does The Past Matter?

in blurtstory •  2 years ago 

Does where we come from matter? Does it matter that much to us or our growth? Does it have anything to do with our future? Does our past matter? Do the things we weren't able to achieve in the matter?

For me, it doesn't matter to me, because we can not change where we come from but we can change where we want to be in the future.

Where I come from doesn't matter to me either way because where I come from doesn't define who I want to be in the future. The challenges I have gone through does not define who I want to be but only gives me access to opportunity that will make my dream future realistic.


My past is my past, my past is never going to be what defines my future, my challenges will not be a definition of who I will be.

I am proud of my strides, I am your of my past although made several mistakes but it's never going to define my future. I won't let the noises of my past distract me from achieving my future because the past is in the past, and they can't stop me from the future.

Thanks for reading!!!

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