Love story (Day 12)

in blurtstory •  3 years ago 

Bibhuti is really about marrying big boys. Not so much experience. It's not that he's never bothered about girls, but it's very rare. He has a vague idea in his mind that one day he will fall in love with a clever girl with a look that is good to look at and sweet when mixed. But is Madhavilata the girl of his imagination? After thinking for two days, he told his father to give him an answer. Even after thinking for seven days, he could not fix anything. Then I thought, what's wrong with consulting with Madhavilata?


Madhavilata replied bluntly, I don't know.

In other words, Madhavilata has no objection. Madhavilata is very proud in his mind, why ask him, what should be done? If you do not have the desire to cancel! He is no longer able to hold the legs!

Sadananda has called Madhavilata many times, but she did not go. What are you going to do? Sadananda knows what to say, he knows better! And there is no sadha madhavilata to hear all that. He has thought a lot and is still thinking. When a pain starts in the head while thinking, it seems that the brains of the head are melting and dripping from the palate (like wax), then all of a sudden the lock of the shop is locked and the whole world is changed. Quiet and quiet surroundings. There is nothing to worry about? Can't find any reason for self-loathing? All good, all sweet, all beautiful. There is no obstacle in the way of happiness in life. What a joy in life. The only regret is that he knows that from the beginning it will all start again, with anxiety, discomfort, self-loathing, and indefinite pain in the head. At first it will start a little and go up to the house in a few days, then you will find peace and stillness by locking the shop again. Madhavilata can't understand the matter. Is this a disease? Headache? Don't go crazy. So? One day Sadananda sent for Bibhuti. Madhavilata asked in a low voice, go?

Let's go, Bai Ray.

How scared I am to go alone.

What's the fear again?

In front of Sadananda, he really feels helpless like a doll. The ability to make him happy is something that this man has been born with.

Madhu, if you leave me completely.

Madhavilata looks like a doll. This is just the beginning, how many more words will Sadananda say! But seeing that Sadananda also wanted to not speak, after a while he was really surprised. Then Madhavilata bows her head, thinks a lot and says softly, if you forbid-

Sadananda was thinking about that day, he wanted to make his fingers softer than the feathers of a bird on Madhavilata. I want to kill today. Such a soft, such a soft body of Madhavilata, when you see it, it seems that there is another supernatural covering on the skin (Sadananda has imagined it many times). Sadananda suddenly got up out of desire and closed the door and window. Will he really tear Madhabilata's body or not? Seeing the eyes, the whole of Madhavilata became numb. Do people have such eyes if they are not crazy? What will Sadananda do? Won't you kill him?

Sitting nearby, Sadananda tightened his right hand and pressed it to the wrist of his left hand. Mayammata is not a drop in Sadananda's mind today, the man is grumbling in anger and grief, Madhavilata had noticed that long ago. By this time he could understand that the sadhana of crippling him forever in the body with a terrible injury was on Sadananda's mind. Who knows what Sadananda has been thinking in his mind for so long, maybe such an idea has stirred his mind. Today, it can not be stopped in any way. Sadananda is not surprised that he was strangled to death. Madhavilata knows that her wrist is broken but her head is tingling so much that she can't feel the pain well.

While trying to reconcile the two widened eyes with Sadananda's eyes, Madhavilata lost consciousness and fell on Sadananda's body.

There was water in the corner of the house, Sadananda slapped a little water on his head and opened the door and window. He sat down with his hands folded at a distance and started muttering. Perhaps, Madhavilata was abused for possessing such a large weapon of self-defense.

After realizing Madhavilata, Sadananda said sadly, "Well, you go, Madhu."

What did you do to me?

Did nothing.

Madhavilata did not believe him. He went away crying. Absolutely close to Bibhuti. If you have to complain, it is better to complain to your future husband.

Surprised to hear Bibhuti. Insulted? What has Swamiji insulted you?

There were some big strange processes going on in my head. Some of the rules of Madhavilata, space and time seemed to have been broken. In the head, but not exactly in the head, there is an extra limb at the back of the head, there are so many things getting thinner and thicker at once, a few days later the ear that locks, It has gained random motion, which can be seen with the naked eye, and such an unspeakable fear (there is such an indescribable form of indefinite fear that Madhavilata did not know) - the matter is neither to be understood nor to be understood. But the normal part of the brain is doing a lot of work here. He muttered the whole thing effortlessly and told Bibhuti. How did he escape from the hand of the demon today as he fainted due to fear while closing the door and window of the house and holding his hand.

If you don't fix it -

Madhabilata sighed and started crying. Seeing Bibhuti not speaking, he looked up after a while and was startled. Sadhananda's face was showing the same as Bibhuti's face when she closed the door and window of the house and held her hand.

Kiss me, I'm coming.

Madhavilata grabbed his hand in fear, what will you do? There is nothing to do. That's what happened -

But what else can be prevented? He walked away without a hand. Sadananda went to the house and stood in front of Sadananda and said, what does it mean to treat Madhur like this?

Dak bibhuti, you are a child -

The rest of the words he could not say, Bibhuti's nose sniffed. Bibhuti was more beaten, but Mahesh hugged her from behind and couldn't do anything else.

Leave it, Dad, I'll kill the bastard.

Shut up, shit!

Are you kidding me? Do you know what he did?

I know.

You know? - Vibhuti had been fighting for so long, but this time she was stunned.

About half an hour after the nosebleed stopped, Shasdhar's wife did most of the service. No one even noticed when he came and joined in the gap. Bibhuti was sitting on a small stool on one side watching the matter and staring at her face. His anger has not abated yet, it is quite understandable that he is sitting down to do a hastenest. Once in the middle he went to make a comment, Mahesh folded his hands and said, please stop. He has been silent ever since.

Understandably, Mahesh is thinking.

Bibhuti can't understand what to think. There is no limit to his annoyance. If Mahesh knows everything, then it should not be a moment too late to decide on the duty of this heretic. What is the purpose of so many services? If you hold the neck and take it out on the street!

When Sadananda recovered a little, Mahesh said, Bibhuti, there is no broken wooden box in the big house, will you bring the big hammer from it?

What to do with a hammer?

There is a little work.

Bibhuti brought a hammer. The iron is rusty. With a hammer in his hand, Mahesh Chowdhury said, Lord, I am asking you for forgiveness for my son. The boy will not atone for me, it is useless to tell him. I am atonement for the boy, you grant so.

As Mahesh Chowdhury spoke, Maria sat down on her nose with the hammer. Everyone said yes and only Mahesh's wife started the service again. He seemed to be waiting for something like this to happen.

There is no doubt that Mahesh was louder than Sadananda, the blood does not want to stop. Disregarding Mahesh's prohibition, Subimal sent for the doctor of Bibhuti Para. The doctor came but couldn't do anything, not until the oily nose test. Mahesh pushed him away and said with a sigh, "No, no, let me enjoy my work."

The people of the neighborhood came to know from Subimal Doctor that there was a terrible clash between Sadhu Sadananda and Mahesh Chowdhury. Both are seriously injured. Mahesh Chowdhury has a terrible remorse now, he wants to die without treatment.

Why the clashes? First the fight, then the blows! There is such a thing between them. The other day it ended in a fight, today it has turned into a fight.But in the end the word took a different form. The incident took place in the evening, many people came to know the news after evening. Sadananda was sitting in his room with the door closed, but no one could see him. Mahesh Chowdhury's whole face is swollen, it is difficult to speak. However, he briefly explained the matter to everyone. Guargobind has a son, everyone knows? Suddenly, in a fit of rage, he sat down and insulted Sadananda. As a son, Mahesh Chowdhury has been punished.

Friend of Rosik Bhattacharya Mahesh Chowdhury. He said, are you insane Mahesh?

You can argue with him tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, how? Mahesh Chowdhury went inside to sleep.

Mahesh Chowdhury said the words to ten or twelve enthusiastic and curious acquaintances, who then called out to Bibhuti. What happened? Did he insult Sadananda? Why insulted? With what did Sadananda hit Mahesh Chowdhury?

But Bibhuti is not such a boy, she just said briefly, I don't know anything. You go now.

Everyone has kindly given dust to his feet in his house, how hesitant Mahesh Chowdhury is to go inside the house by keeping everyone seated, what a pity! And whether it was his son or not, he said goodbye to everyone! The boy is really stubborn.

The next day it went to a far away village, Mahesh Chowdhury went to save the boy. Sadananda has suffered a terrible beating. Mahesh Chowdhury didn't even say a word. The doctor was called, but Mahesh Chowdhury said, the treatment of the Lord's beating!

Not to mention that everyone was fascinated by the last word. Such devotion of Mahesh Chowdhury who has been beaten to death but will not be treated - Guru has killed! Everyone's ears are ringing, Marley Marley jug-ear, so why not give love?

I don't know how great a great man Sadananda is, for whom such a miraculous devotion of Mahesh Chowdhury has arisen, such a great inspiration has come. People's devotion to Sadananda seemed to increase in amazement. Many began to think that Sadananda may not be a human being, but a human form.

It can only be said in the ears of intimate people by whispering. Inside a few broken huts, on the side of a rustic path, in the shade of a few gorgeous trees, there is talk of the appearance of the gods. Impressions are gained in a fluid, global, diffused way.

After spending a few days alone in the corner of the room, Sadananda read the first word. Say, I would rather go somewhere, Mahesh.

Mahesh Chowdhury says, and why the Lord? He forgave me that day, did he miss the matter?

If you say that you have missed everything, Mahesh?

It goes well. We will now think and erase the incident from our minds as if it never happened. Nothing can go on outside the mind, Lord.

Sometimes Mahesh Chowdhury speaks in such a way that it seems as if he is giving advice to Sadananda. At first Sadananda didn't pay much attention, nowadays he listens with his mind. Like advice, he accepts words and tries to follow them. Mahesh Chowdhury's advice now, the matter of that day should be erased from the mind. In words, in deeds, it is necessary to show that nothing has happened. Sadananda thinks and tries. After spending a few days in the corner of the room seriously and sadly, he suddenly went to the evening meeting with a smile on his face.

Everyone is present. Bibhuti and Madhavilata too. The first is the fear of Sadananda, Bibhuti may get up in anger, maybe sit down with a scandal. Madhavilata may not do much, she does not have the courage, but the girl can make it easier to use words? Mahesh Chowdhury has been acquitted, all have been booked, but is it possible for the two of them to be booked?

After a while, Sadananda realizes that the matter has really been erased from everyone's mind as much as possible. It was clear at first that Bibhuti and Madhavilata were feeling a shyness and discomfort, but after a while the two of them simply joined in the laughter as everyone else.

Sadananda should have been happy; But his mind suddenly became very bad. And once he seems to have lost to Mahesh Chowdhury. What a miserable defeat. Sadananda was the first to come to this evening's meeting that he had become younger to Mahesh Chowdhury about that day.

It seemed to him that this was the intention of Mahesh Chowdhury, he had hit him in the face with a hammer that day to humiliate him. Mahesh Chowdhury's face is still a little swollen - what a deadly man Mahesh Chowdhury.

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