The Reincarnation

in blurtstory •  2 years ago 


It was barely dawn!

The ambient music of the morning birds filled the brisk air.

I warmed myself up by rubbing both my hands on my arms simultaneously as I gaze towards the tiny creatures hopping around the trees and humming.

Just then a manly figure walked past my dead mother's hut.

He wore a worrisome face as he trudged into the place of sanctity. I watched Maleh from the edge of the door in my mum's hut as he brought out the old gong and struck it vigorously with a mallet, the sound reverberating through the village.

" this should wake everyone up, " I said to no one in particular.

Elderly women all dressed in white attire with vivid native beads on their waists walked out of their archaic huts in a reversed manner, chanting in native dialects I could barely understand, precisely mumbling words I couldn't hear.

The activity came to a halt and in absolute serenity when seven of them bent down still in the retro walking motion. Each of them picked up a palm tree frond from the calabash and placed it in between their lips. My eyes darted to the calabash, smoke wafting from it. They picked it up and placed it on their head which was tied with a white headscarf and turned forward to drop the pot a few meters at the front of their huts.


" I have seen something like this before ", the memories zapped out in a spark.

Their faces respectively masked with native chalk under the right eye, three short vertical lines on the forehead and the jawline, a v-shape drawn under the three lines on the forehead while the edge where the two lines met "V" elongated down to the nasal tip.

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I was perplexed when they looked at me in abrupt unison and that stern look made me recall my late mom whose hut I occupied.

A gust of wind blew me right back to mom's hut, I heard the resounding footsteps of Rikai. Bafflement wore me like a wedding dress, when did I suddenly hear sounds from a distance?

" A member of the ancient dynasty of the great and fiery deity of the Obudu clan made a loud gong from the house summoning everyone to the central hut to pay homage to the dying mistress. " ... said Rikai hastily as he tried to recover from panting.

" So we are to visit the central hut ", I asked Rikai, knowing so well that I was there in my foresight.

He nodded in affirmation.

In a moment, people filled the central hut, men and women, young and old, each sitting in their respective section, the seven elderly women were the seven priestesses of the obudu clan. We stayed there reciting chants and repeating some ceremonial rites, it's a tradition that everyone must witness the passing of the high priestess.

At exactly midnight, the seven priestesses began chanting profusely and dancing strangely in circles where the great dying priestess lay. Few had an instrument like a shrine bell, tarot drum, wooden tambourine, and singing bowl, the chants intensified and all of a sudden everything stopped.


Everyone became still, I heard strange whispers accompanied by eerie laughter. The clouds formed a nimbus thunder and light flicker at the interval of split seconds, a womanly structure drifting upward from the lifeless body then stood upright and looked in a circular robotic motion.

Something feels odd, the people that came for the ceremony were motionless, with the strike of each lightening that figure drew closer to me and the last thing I felt was the touch of the sacred staff on my forehead. I gasped and went into a trance.

Mariah! Mariah!! wake up! ... (faintly)

I struggled unconsciously to grab the direction where my name was being called.


The calling of my late mom beckoning me to wake up increased significantly.

Mariah!!! ... she called out lastly in a high-pitched tone. I was resuscitated with a deep exhalation.

" You have been chosen to lead the people of the obudu clan,"

the seven priestesses said with their voices trembling.

I was next in line for the generational lineage to take over from my dead mother...I was the strongest... courageous... productive... resilient...and still dazzlingly beautiful.

Every midnight of my reign, I transition to the other world where I meet my mom and the late high priestesses. With their help and unwavering support, my reign thrived peacefully. In a split second, I lived for one thousand years. That's the benefit of being a high priestess (immortality).


I have performed my tasks, duties, and obligations swiftly for years, I blessed the barren land to yield a bountiful harvest. It was time for me to go join my ancestors... and during those moments...I fell in love with a man..his words are so soothing and pleasant to me.

During the last visitation to the late priestesses, they made sure I understood the consequences that would befall me if I change the sacred order of reincarnation, they already felt it. I stopped my midnight transition and looked forward to the beautiful moments of love. I don't know how it feels but I am sure I felt it's a good thing.

Amah was manipulated by the external force to leave the village but after some rituals, I performed with his name, I left fate in his hands. I was lying down almost on the verge of leaving this world where my life was only useful to people of the clan.

My dead mother appeared to take me peacefully in the safe passage, I couldn't do a thing to stop it. Ceremonial rites took place, and as usual, I sought Amah deeply to rescue me. My heart wasn't fulfilled until I saw him before I passed out...I shrieked in agony helplessly knowing that I might collapse if he didn't come in time.

When he came and held my hand it was as if I transitioned back to life, the soul of my dead mother came to life in her body. I had high hopes but just when we were about to flee it clocked midnight and the reincarnation began!

I invite @kei2 and @iska to participate here, I would be anticipating your article.



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