Don't ask what our food contains

in blurtstory •  2 years ago 


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Hello, Blurt friends! Hope you guys are healthy and happy.

I want to talk about the dining culture in my area. More precisely in my village and in several villages around me. Not a city area!

I live in Ringinrejo Village, Ringinrejo District, Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia. You have to stop by if you are passing through this area. I will provide coffee. 😁

Before this chat goes any further, I would like to introduce the food menu this time. You can see the photos I uploaded. a combination of food on a plate with a large portion of food.


Taken by me

Does it look attractive?

The name of this food menu is...
No name! But we can call this food a combination of 1. Rice (staple food), 2. Vegetable long bean and bean sprouts with gravy (I'm sure the preparation here is delicious. Because there are many choices of spices), and 3. Processed flour and leaves luntas (side dishes to replace fried chicken).

For luntas leaves. We can pick it in the yard of the house. This plant is also good for eliminating body odor.

How is the eating culture of the villagers?

Eat as much as you can to make your body strong!

Most of us don't really care about food content. In fact, I was never taught by my family about nutritional needs. Eating is the need for the stomach to be full and to stay alive.

Many do not care whether the required carbohydrate content is fulfilled. Is there enough protein and so on?

As long as there's plenty of food. Then "full nutrition content". Ha ha ha. As long as the food is delicious (for example, with chicken or other meat), "means the nutritional content is fulfilled".

I recognize this as a culture. Because most of the local people here are manual laborers. Especially the farmers.

But all this comes with a risk! Of course. Most parents will complain about their bodies getting sick easily.

They will turn out to be very picky eaters. Even avoiding certain foods and letting those foods be eaten by others who are younger.

Usually, they would say, "just eat. You are still young. Your body is still strong." Without thinking for good reasons, for the sake of health, and so on.

But even so, the next generation has started to have a different way of thinking. Moreover, most youths have access to education.

Not many have pursued higher education. But for the size of this area, it's quite a lot. Moreover, the information obtained from the internet is getting more and more.

People are already a little different from before. Of course. The old people were educated by the colonialists and monopolized by the government. People now can learn from the internet

Is something like this funny?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you so nuch
Have a nice day

Have a nice day.
Thank you

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi friend! The food photo looks good to me.
I think there is some merit to both traditional knowledge and culture... and modern information, internet, etc.
For example, we now know that humans can survive without eating meat (other animals). But there can be health issues if they don't take care to ensure proper nutrition, like Vitamin B2, B12, D3, Iron, Calcium, etc.
Even people who eat meat can get nutritional problems. For example, the elders in your village can get weak and sick. They think this is normal and okay, but it's preventable with the right knowledge. But that can be expensive to eat well, as you know. Poverty is the main cause of malnutrition!
Thank you for sharing your cultural experiences.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

as far as I know. actually we have a lot of insight about the good life.
Almost everything you need is available. Many plants and animals that can be utilized. In this tropical country. And a ring of fire.

But in the past our writing culture was weak. Good information is not well documented.
Then the distance of knowledge is created.

Oh, no. I remember negative things. Ha ha.

Over all. My view only highlights my surroundings. Because in other places it can be very different.

Thank for coming, too!


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am sorry. It seems that my translation is a little bad this time. 😁

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Thank you so much

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