Dinner with Fried Rice Menu

in blurtstory •  2 years ago  (edited)


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Hello, Blurt friends. How are you guys? Hope you guys stay healthy and happy.

This time I write down a simple activity that I experienced last night. I feel hungry. Yes, I feel hungry. My stomach is empty because I haven't eaten for several hours.

It was already 02.00 AM when I woke up. The rest of my family are already sleeping soundly. Even then there wasn't much sound that I could hear except for the crickets.

In the afternoon, I forgot not to eat because I went to bed early. The reason is tired. I've just done a small contract job and have less leisure time. My time management is still not good.

Besides that, I also just went to a place that was quite far away. About 20km? Possible. Met up with my friend to have a long conversation. Finally, I reduced the time that should be used for rest.

When looking for food in the kitchen, there was no food left. Actually, there is rice, our staple food. But the rice was stale. I can't possibly eat it.

Because my stomach was really very hungry, I finally decided to buy food at the stall. I rode my bicycle to go to the location.

A funny incident happened while I was on my way: I ran into a food vendor that I was going to. Ha ha. It turned out that my destination food stall was closed. Of course, it was very late at this time. Or even morning.

But I'm hungry. I decided to go to another food stall. While hoping there are still fried rice sellers open. Usually, fried rice sellers can still be found.

My guess was right. There are still fried rice sellers open! I'm happy about this. Then immediately ordered a portion complete with drinks: one fried rice and one glass of hot tea.


Taken by me

I waited quite a while to get my food. The seller cooks four people. I had to be patient waiting for my turn to be served.

After waiting about an hour? Or maybe 30 minutes more. Finally, my food came. I feel happy. My stomach is already very hungry. Even my strength is very weak at this time.

Is there fried rice available in your place?

This is a picture of the fried rice I ordered. One plate of fried rice + one glass of hot tea. The price is IDR 16,000.00. About $1 dollars.




[Taken by me]

Because my stomach is very full. Finally, I finished it quickly. Eating fried rice at night is a pleasure for me. The reason was that the night air was quite cold and the fried rice was still warm. This is the perfect blend.

After everything is finished. I paid the bill and then went home on my bicycle. My journey home is about one kilometer. Close enough.


[My friend: bicycle]

Thank for stopping!

This article was published on several platforms. First published in English on Blurt.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for this interesting post! I like learning about how other people's life is, in far away countries. What you eat, what you think about, how much food costs, and so on. I see that you left your sandals at the edge of the carpet - that must be a cultural norm in your country. The photos were good, too. I'm glad you enjoyed your fried rice! Tonight I cooked fried rice noodles with shrimp, vegetables, and pineapple sauce. My family loved it!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i am happy if you like it. I deliberately made it detailed and photographed as it is.

You also eat rice? I was surprised by this. Enjoy your meal!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, friend!
Yes, my family eats quite a lot of rice. We enjoy Jasmine (Thai) and Basmati (Indian) the most. Many families in Canada and USA use potatoes as the main carbohydrate (starch) to base meals around. Pasta is another favourite. I like pasta and potatoes, but I certainly also enjoy rice. Both normal rice, and in noodle form.
Have a great day, and stay happy and healthy :))

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

well, potatoes.
Usually It becomes a snack here. Sometimes sold in cafes.
Thank for coming!

You appreciate my simple content. Have a nice day


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Thank you!

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