Blurt is Not Just A Place To Write, But It's More Than That

in blurtstory •  2 years ago 

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We all write in blurt and publish it. With topics NSFW, sports, crypto, web 3, entertainment, photography, daily life and others. Whatever we like. There is no limit on the topics we can write about.

As long as we do it right. Then it doesn't matter. In this case, we do not plagiarize. We don't steal other people's work and admit that it's ours.

In this article I will discuss some of the benefits that I have received while using Blurt. Of course, it hasn't been that long. Still recently. But there is nothing wrong if I share it here. Because I found a lot of things. Among others are:

We can search and read articles that I like

Yes. I can get articles that I like to read. On Blurt, I got some great articles. Some time ago I was looking for information about authorship. I found it quickly. Moreover, the topics discussed are quite in-depth.

For me, Blurt is a blogging platform as well as social media. So this makes it easier for me to connect with other people as well as get useful information. Especially if a friend on Blurt recommends an article you're looking for. Would have been nice!

We can interact with the author directly

In the era of rapid information movement like now, reading alone is not enough. We need to read a lot even for the one topic we are looking for. It would be quite a complicated job. And also too much time wasted.

But it's different if we can interact with the author directly. We can discuss with him the topic we are looking for. We can also ask whether the information presented is still relevant and so on.

We have a chance to get a Blurt

Surely we all want to get the Blurt. Certain. By updating posts, commenting and giving likes. We all have a chance to get a Blurt. This is an interesting feature of SocialFi to use.

Of course this is very different than we use other media. Because here we can get insight from reading articles. We can do engagement with other users. At the same time we can also get Blurt or money. Interesting.

Do you guys have the same opinion as me? Thank you for stopping. Have a nice day!

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