1.@sct.blurt, @kopasi。我不知两位前辈来自何方,除了知道拥有200万/50万余的能量外,一无所知。两位前辈的点赞时间也捉摸不定,真的是大象无形,神龙见首不见尾,我还为此写过一篇类似的帖子来感谢前辈的点赞。两位前辈几乎一块来,但不会对同一篇帖子点赞,也就是说是分开点赞的,这样就能避免投票集中在某一篇或某一些帖子上。
我曾统计过@sct.blurt前辈给我的点赞,共计16000blurt以上了,尽管现在每一次的点赞不足400blurt,但此前的点赞都在1000blurt,甚至在1500blurt 以上。真的是非常感激前辈的提携。
7.@andy4475来自英国,@schamangerbert来自德国的巴伐利亚,@razack-pulo 来自印度尼西亚,@chorock和 @ozelot47不知来自何方,他们时常在午夜点赞。每每想到夜深人静之时,在遥远的国度有人为你点赞,是不是很激动。
9.@blurtstory @blurtcontests, 感谢这两个项目,能够为发表的帖子无私点赞,也让很多人受益匪浅。
遥想最初加入steem时,@tumutanzi 土木坛子和@rivalhw大伟两位前辈曾给予我莫大的支持,使我走到了今天。我感激他们,他们有一颗爱心、公心来促进平台的发展壮大。
ok, that my energy is lamentable ... it's true, but it hurts hahaha.
Now that I think about it, the accounts you mention in numbers 1, 2, 3 and 9, I also have to thank you for your support.
As for languages, well, I am not very confident in my ability, but at least I studied English for years, I am terrible at speaking it, but reading and writing I defend myself a little. In Asian languages, it all started with Karate that a brother was studying, which led me to try Japanese a little, then a little cousin who became interested in Taekwondo, so I became interested in Korean, years later I tried to practice Wushu, although I found my physical ability to be pathetic, at the very least it allowed me to learn a little about China.
As if these antecedents were not enough, during the 90s there was a boom in 'Anime' in western television companies, with which Japanese manga gained greater diffusion, in the long run it happened that the light novels that gave rise to these manga already anime began to be of interest, that also aroused curiosity for Chinese and Korean youth literature, between one thing and another, I ended up helping a friend to translate one of these novels for his son and from there there was no return, I simply the pleasure of reading and reviewing this kind of literary works remained.
However, I completely mistrust my ability to handle Asian languages, I cannot speak them, I do not trust much in what I write in these languages and to read them I spent a lot of work until I feel that I can understand something.
Chinese is one of the most difficult languages to learn, and a native speaker of Chinese could hardly say that he has mastered his mother tongue. For all my life I have to learn something new including the language if I don't want to get too far behind the times.
You're right when you say:
他 会 在 我 的 帖子 下面 用 英语 留下 长长 的 留言
I know that the Chinese language is complicated, but I did not know that even for a native it can be a challenge to master the language. Now that I think about it, the Chinese written today is a simplification made less than a century ago, if I consider that for thousands of years the ideograms were much more complicated, then I am surprised how terribly complex it must have been to study and become a scholar in centuries past.
haha, even today some say, when talking about how difficult Chinese is, it is like a book from heaven.
Many thanks for the kind mention, much appreciated 👍
Thanks for your great support.
Thank you very much for the mention. I like to support nice content like yours.
I owe a debt of gratitude to you.
同时,谢谢你常常给我和各位伙伴点赞,也谢谢你用@blurstory发了那么多高素质的贴文 :)