A different kind of love story.

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

A different kind of love story.


Original Content.

Mehedi was buying some roses from a rose garden and gave a big amount to the garden keeper for the roses. He even didn't take the change. He seemed wrecked. The handsome man who was on the eyesight of almost every young girls, is now looks like a beggar. He was leaving the garden suddenly saw a couple doing romance inside the garden. Then he understood that he was watching his own reflection with his girl friend.

What? So, Mehedi has/had a girlfriend? But where's the girl friend then?

Let's go in the past...

There was a girl named Othoi who was so beautiful like an angel. Mehedi fell in love with Othoi at the first sight. The very first time when Mehedi saw Othoi, both of them were in a rose garden. Mehedi went there with some of his friends and so did Othoi.

Mehedi was capturing photos of roses and he was into the photographs that he was not seeing anything else. Suddenly he had eyes on Othoi while Othoi was also capturing photographs of roses. Mehedi was watching Othoi with such attention that it seemed like he was seeing the most beautiful rose in the garden. That one glance... Mehedi fell for the beautiful Othoi. He got to understand that Othoi loves roses a lot. Mehedi was kind of brave in almost everything and he was kinda crazy about things that he wants. He snatched some roses from the garden keeper and walked towards Othoi. Othoi was busy capturing photographs and suddenly he was hearing from behind, "I don't know who you are, I don't know what you do, I just know this one thing that I want to be with you... for the whole life". Othoi was surprised seeing it and she looked behind. There was no one. Then she looked down where Mehedi was kneeling and holding the flowers towards her.

Othoi asked, "Will you be able to hold my hand like you're holding the roses?
Mehedi: For sure, I won't leave your hand for anything in the world.
Ohtoi: Then I agree.

Their love story begins...

They were in deep love and they were passing their days so happily. It was possible for Mehedi to forget about his meal but it was not possible to forget about giving Othoi roses in their every meets. And Othoi was so happy about that and she felt fortunate to have someone like Mehedi. Othoi could understand how much Mehedi cares for her and how much he loves her. Othoi too started having the same feeling. Together they made a fantastic couple.

One day, Mehedi came without any flowers to meet Othoi, and Othoi was worried about seeing it. She was about to ask what happened but Mehedi didn't give her the chance to talk as kneeled down as soon as he came close to her. Then Mehedi took out a small box where there was a nice ring.

Mehedi: Maybe I'm not perfect for you but still, will you marry me?
Othoi (sobbing): Yes, I will.

Othoi was going home with so much happiness. The sentence "Will you marry me?" was knocking on her mind again and again. Suddenly a car did hit her hard while she was passing the road... She died on the spot.

Mehedi was buying some roses from a rose garden and gave a big amount to the garden keeper for the roses.

Then he walked towards the grave of Othoi with the roses and left the roses beside the grave. Cried for a bit and left the place.

"The End"

"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

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