「Day 34」惊艳我爸妈年轻时的老照片❤️Amazing old photos of my parents when they were young ❤️

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

While helping mom and Dad pack... I found some old photos of my parents when they were young, and some important red and blue books used in that era... And a jewelry box that mom couldn't bear to throw away

Years is a butcher's knife! Time and tide wait for no man... How time flies... In the mind of the mother young appearance or vaguely remember very clear, remember the mother that time of the people are a pair of thick braids... White shirt, trumpet pants... Big pendulum dress 👗 good mother also said that she liked small broken flower skirt 👗... That era is beautiful pure era!! My mother also missed it very much

Pictures of my parents when I was young is no beautiful picture show/no filters, no PS, the beauty of the mother is so pure and fresh and free from vulgarity 🌹 what fine eyes... Should this is grow up mother 🤩 mom really is a beautiful girl! Look at my father handsome handsome appearance, I envy them! Good move the dalai feel 🤩 see after... In an instant long ugly 🤣 think we this generation

Mom and Dad said that their young looks will remain in the photo forever... And I would like to say, in fact, your youthful appearance, still exist in my memory... But these black and white pictures must be old

Looking at the appearance of mom and dad now, there is a kind of inexplicable distressed their old! When you think about the history, there have been so many people as beautiful as their parents, it is really impressive!

And those red and blue book, my parents keep so well, before the kind of big red residence booklet... Still have those a few grain oil book, parents say to seem at that time is a year, eat grain to eat oil all rely on those this book record ration to use. There should also be a record of what articles of daily use have been bought in the supply certificate... It was not easy for my parents to bring up my three sisters. Very distressed... Admire my parents

It's a pity that the photos of our three sisters when they were children were kept in my grandparents' home. Later, my grandparents passed away. The old house was torn down... For some reason the contents were not there, and with them were gone.

帮爸妈收拾东西时... 发现一些爸妈年轻时的老照片,还有那个年代时用的一些重要红蓝本本... 还有一个妈妈舍不得扔的首饰宝盒子

岁月是把杀猪刀! 岁月是不饶人啊... 时间过得太快了... 脑海里妈妈年轻的模样还是依稀记得很清的,记得妈妈那个年代的人都是一对粗粗的麻花辫子... 白白的衬衣,喇叭长裤... 大摆长裙👗好妈妈还说,她特别喜欢小碎花的裙子👗… 那个年代是漂亮纯粹的年代!! 妈妈也是很怀念地

爸妈年轻时的照片是没有美图秀秀/ 没有滤镜,没有PS的年代,妈妈的美是那么的清新脱俗🌹什么是眉清目秀... 应该就是长成妈妈这样子的吧🤩 妈妈真的是美丽动人的姑娘!再看看我爸爸英俊帅气的模样,我都羡慕他们!好心动哒感觉🤩 看完后... 瞬间觉得我们这一代长丑了🤣

爸妈说,他们年轻的模样永远停留在照片里了... 而我想说,其实你们年轻的模样,还存在我的记忆里呢... 不过是这些黑白照片肯定有年月了


还有那些红蓝本本,爸妈保存的那么好,以前的那种大红色的户口簿... 还有那几本粮油本子,爸妈说好像那个时候都是一年一本,吃粮吃油都靠那些本本记录定量使用的。还有商品供应证里也要有记录买了哪些生活用品... 爸妈把我家三姊妹带大真是不容易啊!很心疼... 佩服爸妈

可惜我们三姊妹小时候的照片一直在外婆家保存着,后来外婆外公去世了... 老家房子也拆了...里面的东西不知啥原因没保留到,也随之没了


Love what I love,Do what I like to do,Listen to the heartFeel it with love.I will never ask for more, whatever that comes, let it be. From the moment you interact with me, our friendly relationship begun. Welcome to my world and looking forward to share more of my stories with you. 😚😘

爱我所爱 行我所行 听从内心 有爱执感觉无问西东 认识的自然就认识了 不认识的求也求不来~希望咱们的缘分从这开始...欢迎很好的你一起分享一起交流喔~😚 😘
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