You have one wish to help others - What would it be?

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

My one wish to help others would be wishing for more wishes, but unfortunately I am only granted one wish, therefore I wish for no more poverty in this world.



The reason why I would wish for no poverty is because poverty causes crimes, harsh
lifestyles, child abuse, obesity, substance abuse, physically abuse, violence,
lack of education, malnutrition and many other negative effects in the

People are starving due to high unemployment which causes some of them to comment crimes such as thief, murder and fraud.  Due to lack of employment there are no money
to buy houses and send their children to school or feed them properly.  There are also no money to pay for their medical bills.  All this causes children onto the streets or they are force to join gangs which lead them to drugs and killing.

By not having any poverty everybody will be able to afford a proper primary,
secondary and tertiary education. Therefore there will be no homeless people on
the streets.  There will be no crime
because there will be no need to steal. 

Children will have enough food to have a balance diet and in that way they will be healthier to any viruses or diseases. Everybody will have medical aid which will cover all medical cost. 

The death rate will be lower as we will only die naturally.  Due to no crime being committed, there will be more peaceful family gatherings and cost of living will be easier on everyone, reduce greet, less stress, anxiety, depression and low suicide rates.

Wishing for no poverty would be a perfect life that will help everybody.

What would your one wish be?

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