What is your ultimate pet? Real or imagined - Essay worksheet for kids

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

Today you will think about owning a pet. Any type of pet. It can be a real animal or one in your imagination. Write an essay describing it. First read the example essay and then write your own.


If I could have any pet, real or imagined….I would most definitely have a Griffin as a pet.  A lion’s body and an eagle’s head
and wings –what is there not to love?  I would name her Killian.

I will fly on her back to wherever I wanted to go. 
I will always feel safe because the Griffin is a pretty frightening
creature.  But Killian will be tamed so obviously she will be very loveable with me. 
Griffins guarded great treasures and were used to pull Apollo (the Sun
god) across the sky in his carriage.

Killian is a girl Griffin because it is believed that only females had wings.   I had a very tough time taming her because she is very fierce and does not trust humans. 

It took a while for her to allow me on her back and it was such a scary feeling flying for the first time.   The air was
almost knocked out of me when I looked down and I had to grab a handful of feathers not to fall off.  But I learned to trust her instincts and never looked back again.   

I never have to feed her because she always do her own hunting, catching small animals and taking it back to her nest. 

Killian lives high in a tree in our back yard and when I call her name she will fly down with such speed, narrowly missing me and enjoy seeing me hit the ground EVERY time.

Now use your imagination and write your own story....

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