The discovery - Short story

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

The bright sun seeps through the blinds of my cream-painted room, my eyes flutter open.

What a beautiful Sunday morning!

I stand from the warm covers and make my way down the creaky stairs, as I let my unprecedented thoughts roam..



Creak with each step. .....

..until it didn't

How peculiar.. . I step on the platform again to get the same result as before. I must be dreaming, how have I never noticed this before?

I kneel down, gently knocking on the step and I m greeted with a hollow sounding echo. Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I peek through the crack in the boards, the sunlight was just enough to allow me to see a book resting inside the wooden carpentry.

My parents were out visiting Nana in town and our house is in the forest, so I could make noise without disturbing anyone.

I pull on the wooden plank until it finally pops off, as the screws tumble to the floor. Inside lies a novel, crafted from what seems to be birch. It bears elegant carvings, swirls and a large red crest, appearing to be a lock.

I take the chronicle and scurry to the living room and place it on the table.

I inspect the lock, but then, it suddenly springs open- I flinch! Between the pages, an envelope

Erichthonius will.

'Goddess Athena's godson?'

I open and read the letter inside. My eyebrows furrow as I attempt to make out the chicken-scratch upon paper.

"A goodbye letter! from.. Athena?!?"

I turn the sheet around and find a map leading to some sort of hidden passageway that seems to be quite near my house. After hours of walking down this passage, the map had lead me to the doors of an entrance -


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