Story for beginner readers or ESL students

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

Read the story slowly. Make sure you understand what you read. Then answer the questions. If you have to read it a few times do that.

Hello, I’m Lottie. I’m ten years old. I live with my dad and my
sister in England. I’m going to tell you about my dad.
This is my dad. His name is Paul. He’s 46 years old. His hair is
black and grey. He’s got green eyes. I’ve got green eyes too!
My dad gets up early most days. He makes our breakfast, and sometimes he takes me to school.
My dad is a teacher. He doesn’t teach children. He teaches other people who work with him. My dad gets home at 5 o’clock. Sometimes I help him to make tea or make a pasta sauce.
After tea my dad sometimes helps me with my homework. He helps me with Maths. I like Maths.
In the evening we sometimes watch TV. Or my dad reads. He loves reading. I love reading too!
At the weekend we do different things. Sometimes we go to the library. I choose the books I want to read - I love to read stories on Mysteries.
Sometimes at the weekend we go to the cinema, or to a concert. My dad loves music. Sometimes the concerts are a bit boring.

It’s great living with my dad and my sister.

Now answer the questions

  1. What is the name of the girl in the story?
  2. With who does she live?
  3. How old is she and how old are you?
  4. Where do you live?
  5. What is your dad's name and how old is he?
  6. Describe your dad in a few sentences.
  7. Give 5 words that describes the dad in the story.
  8. With what does Lotty help her dad?
  9. What does he dad help her with?
  10. What does she love to do?

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