There are many of us who come at the last minute and give up. They give up trying when they're just a yard behind, they stop running when it only takes a minute to cross the finish line

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

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There are many of us who come at the last minute and give up. They give up trying when they're just a yard behind, they stop running when it only takes a minute to cross the finish line. " After a while, he left the Navy and joined IBM as a salesman. He set up a data system. He continued to supply database software to various organizations. He talked to various companies to sell his database software. But Ross Panert did not give up. He waited for an opportunity, because he believed that since he had the ability to do so, he would get the opportunity, and he did get a really great opportunity.

He got the project effortlessly because he showed the courage to complete the project with a firm hand by following all the rules of the government. As a result, he got a budget of 600 million rupees, not a small budget. And from then on just move on. And now billions of work orders every month!

When Ross wanted to hear the message of success from Parrot, he would repeat the same thing over and over again - "Opportunity will come, it must come, there will be an opportunity to prove one's skills, so never give up, never"!

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