Depression is the beginning of life. I could not sleep properly at night

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

I know a girl. The only daughter of the parents. That's why the two of them couldn't give him much time as a child. Huzur was kept at home as usual to teach Arabic. How old will you be then? Year five and a half or six. After a while, he started touching the girl's body badly. The girl still can't tell anyone! He was not old enough to understand child abuse!

That's how it went. In order to protect himself, he used to cover his body with two big veils as well as a head covering. At least he was protected from bad touch.

After learning so much from the girl, I asked, "What happened then?" The next story is even more terrifying.
One day my parents were not at home. The man came to teach that day. The only working girl at home. She wanted to rape the man who was busy with her work that day. The girl escaped from there by biting her hand. Then? The next day, the man told a lie and told the girl's father to look at the hand bite marks. Her father hit the girl with a steel scale on the edge of her hand that day.
After a moment of silence, the girl began to speak again. He has been molested many times since then. Either to a distant uncle, or to a close uncle.

"When you were old enough to understand, did you tell your parents all this?"

The girl replied that when the teenager began to understand slowly, all this was wrong. Then he told his parents once. But they just forbade to tell anyone! He said that all that has happened should be forgotten. Children do not have to take the importance of age!


Depression is the beginning of life. I could not sleep properly at night. Everything would float away in nightmares, I would stop breathing and wake up. He has repeatedly chosen the path of suicide but has repeatedly failed. Rose is fighting to survive alive!
There are very few girls in Bangladesh who have never been molested, raised in a healthy environment. Not every one of these incidents is in the news, it is not known in public. There is not much difference in the lives of girls who have been raped and molested. Suppose again, the initial signs of being a rapist are - molested, eveteasing. When they get the courage, they reach the step like rape. Rape is also a matter of courage. How does this courage come? These are the initial steps. So, Molest said and Eveteasing said! All this should never be discounted.

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