Love story (Day 7)

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

The sky cloud went up, the sun went up, the size of the bepin's teeth decreased, but the pain of his face as if the mood of angry mood is like a mask of the grief in the steel. It's not a bipin habit to express it in a heroine. Like a kind of kind, he is rarely seen angry with those who are very close, but he is like a shaking of anger. I don't think it's a rage. Maybe it's a lip, the face skin, and the skin of the face, it's a curve to keep it out of time, and it's just a bit of fun, it's been practicing for an angry moment to keep it. Now, she's got angry, and she's angry, but she's got a feeling of angry because she's totally unacceptable with the voices of her anguish.

What happened to you, Ray Bipin?

Not Kissu! What's going to happen?

It doesn't seem to be a bit of a thing, but the answer is clear. Bipin doesn't know what happened to him. In all of this, it is always happening, something happens to you. But it is not so stupid, that something that is not happening, it is comfortable with it. But what happened to you is a serious persistent attempt to get yourself a serious problem, the persistence is a serious problem. And sometimes such persistence is a legend for more than a time. Is it what Bipin has happened?

What do you think brother?

Brother? In the address of charity, Bpin was surprised by the custom, it seems that he was sitting on the cheek. This is not their relationship that they must say such deep affection Sure brother, the extent of their friendship with each other, and they do not shame to each other, like their weakness and disgust to me, even as much as they do not fear or intimidate to me, at least before that. Why would you let them walk among them? What is it today, after having a seven-day cell in the room? Bipin looks at a doubtful point, the analysis of the vision is great. Bipin wsked, that is a great proof of his physical uncomfortable sense.

At noon, two hours ago, the two of them were eaten. Many of the thoughts, so much hesitation, confine myself to a seven-day room cell to calm the mind and make the mind more upset, and to make himself a great decision about Madhypoh, the most powerful self-proclaimed self-proclaimed Madhya. This morning, she was invited to get home by night. Who knows Madhygislaughter will take his own mind like that? The morning to travel by the river, the Ratna and Uma, so she started to seek Madhya and started to seek Madhya. Madhypod was seen under a tree. The whirlwind that gives milk to the wife who tells her. Goala Bouay's kid was shot with a sword, barking its milk, and Goala-Boo, who doesn't have enough milk for his child, it seems.

Daughter, Goala-Boo was out of the way to see Damascus.

Will you come to my house once night, Madhu?

No order, request. Not Madhu, not Madhu. Later at noon, like a BP-Pin's role in speaking Bypin.

Night? When?

When you're facilitated.


No, just a little night. This 11-half is about 11:30. No request, order. It was the Mahvila that could have understood the call, the call for a pure immigrant, rape and rape that was her tomb to be the eve of the long time that she was born, today.

Not today, we'll go tomorrow. A hand-raised in the Madhavi lay in the bottom of the Ambush, where it was the path of the ants to go row.

No, today.

Not order, it's almost threatened.

Not today, day.

Not a request, a mutiny at a gentle repression.

Condolencism was blind and foolish, so thinking thought that the voice of a five-year-old girl was soft like the greed of a man who was a disdain for the five-year old girl, you don't understand. Today, the foreigner, if the cloud won't wake up, I'll tell you in Jotsana and tell you. Come on.

Won't the day be coming? Can't you sit in Jaytsna and tell stories? But all the power of the protests was the Madhavi, it has already been over. What if you're angry now? You can understand what you don't understand, and you can know if it is not. ; Madhabi tried something else.

Uh, Shashi, Kunda, would they know that? There's a scandal.

I'll arrange that.

Shadow is what can be said when it comes to making arrangements? One time. If the sun is able to rise in the West, is it not the most likely that the smell will be the only chance of being solved by the command of charity?

So, this is why you didn't fill up my belly today. It wasn't tasty. Now. It's so hungry. While the teeth, it seems that it’s been too much for the day to be a day to make almost faster for the day, it’s that it’s a non-tooth. He burns. I felt like a Bypin. In response to a moderate reception, he said that's your head.

Then came home Madhabi. He was standing in the house and saw Bipin with great pleasure and he stood up.

Dark Sabbath, what's the Madhabi?

Nothing, I just came. Bolya tried to smile and go away, Davey almost went to him and got him close.

  • Listen, Madhu.

You got close and you said something? Let's go out.

Both went out of the house, the Bpin neck baked his neck and the cheek door.

Madhypoh out there, he's got to be low and there's no talk.

Dancing her face is high and poking her face. It's like a practice of charity.

What are you gonna say?

What and say, Madhabi, collect a bit of courage and a little bit of courage and requested tonight's immunity.

Daughters insisted on the Madhabi's face, suddenly the hand was diagnosed with voice almost caused by his hand. But the mind of the honorable is really eating a very idea. Why suddenly there seems to be a great-scale woman, a big bunch, almost like a market whore. The body is more soft like molten ammo, and colored Madhavi, ideal and colored Madhavi, and the fingers should be soft as the bird’s feathers, comforted. But the inside of Madhavi is not just strong, stone. For years, like Bota-left fruit, you can dry up for years, like the dried lion that may be, strong, strong, like this one thought was ugly face to the brain's body, to the brain that she's got ugly toys to her comfortable body.


It seems that she was going to leave her home and then to go to Bipin in the house. The virgin Madhavi who came in a shelter? Is it?

Right this time, there was a bit of mutual disagreement and a bit of mundane. How much more so-so-so-so-so-so-so-that-the-strong argument has been the same as the one who has a sense of identity and who doesn't seem to be a match between the two, and one's not gonna make a mark of the mouth. But when again, they started to speak normally about themselves, not as they did. The Azika's pen is not exactly the same. Among two men, especially men, are such mild and mild between two men, and two men, who could be so kind, and can be so kind, and so far.

Bipin said you were doing a big deal with it.

Sadacious, you're gonna see the excess.

Bipin said I brought him to ashram.

Sadaqada said he was born to be your right on him?

Bipin said it was not right. I have a responsibility for her good.

Sadacious, uh, uh, good job.

Then the Bipin went to his home, sitting down and sitting down on the river. What's that? It's just a conversation, a normal conversation. But in his home seat and in the air, the anger of Bipin and the weird ones on the Bipin. How unfair, how many injustice, how many selfishness it has endured today, but the truth is not tolerated, and it is all the way.

That night, he really got up. The sky is not the cloud that has not been spared. But without leaving clouds, the glow is a glitter, a bright glow is a long faith. After eating, the Bpin went out, and went out to travel to another crop of the shelter. Any time there is Bipin to visit ashram. There are numerous variety of terms of night, how many small invisible animals just declare the performance of the words, but the stigma in the night is deeper than day. The peacefulness surrounds the night and day, and the gloom of the people outside, as if the peace of the night becomes more unhappy. Eyes on Bypin is surrounded by Bypin, sad joy, filled with joy, made it seem to be the dream of some nights of the night of the confusion of the few days - unrealistic, soft, frightening disobedient, indifference, indifference, indifference to the extreme.

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