in blurtstock •  4 years ago 


My first photo of Spotted Owlet is very unique for me as Owlet is very active in the evening and makes calls. I searched this owlet and tried to capture this moment in low light.


Brahminy starling a regular visitor of my office garden. Every year, I try to capture their photos but this year, I got some close shots. Starlings are very noisy and frequently call each other.


Crow are very common in all over Pakistan and they are also very noisy and clever. So I captured this crow from my home's balcony sitting in front of tree. He was making a hell of noise. In Pakistan it is considered that if a Crow makes a lot of noise then some guest must visits your home.


Long-tailed shrike is also very common garden bird and I have photographed this bird frequently. In this photo I was lucky to capture a moment where shrike opened beak to capture fly.


Yellow-billed blue magpie a colorful bird living in Margalla hills. They are also very noisy but as mostly they hide in bushes so it is very difficult to capture them. I saw this magpie near a stream calling other fellows. I always love to photograph these birds in wild.

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Mandarin duck another beautiful and colorful duck. In Pakistan they are not found in wild. I saw this duck in a bird's park and was very fascinated to see their colors.

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