How Effective Is It To Run For Self Defense?

in blurtsports •  4 years ago  (edited)

Can you just run and defend yourself?

You cannot give an answer to this question with yes or no. Both can be correct. Today we are going to talk about this, even if you run, what might happen and how effective it is to run for self defense.

How Effective Is It To Run For Self Defense .png

Something can be right for someone else, but not for you. On the other hand, you are good at something, so you can do that to defend yourself, but not the guy or girl who is not able to do that. You cannot give a single solution that works for everybody.

Again there are situations you cannot run or if you run, you cannot get out from there. So there is no point in running.

The worst thing that happens when you run is you are showing your back. And you have no idea what the attacker is about to do. If he catches you from behind, it is easier for the attacker to attack you. And it would be difficult to defend that unless you turn and face the attacker.

Another question comes when you run is, how fast can you run? If you are not fast enough, they will catch you. In case there are multiple attackers, there is a high chance someone will run faster than you and catch you. Now you are exhausted because of running, you cannot do much to fight back.

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If the attacker has a gun and you run in a straight line, he might shoot you, and you know what would happen. You can run in a zigzag, that's better in this situation.

Running can be a solution but it might not work in every situation. Ultimately, you have to face the attackers. It is always better to learn self defense that helps you deal with the situation successfully.

If you can run, get out of there and defend yourself, that's great. You can do that. You also need to consider other possibilities when you run.

So what do you think about running as a defense? Please feel free to share your thought in the comment section. Thank you so much for reading this post. Stay safe. Always be happy!

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, finance, and digital marketing. I make videos without me on the video. Well, you cannot see me, but you can hear my voice. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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Running is the number one thing to escape, but it is only a part of it, you usually have to navigate obstacles and may end up in a blind alley. For obstacles, it is good to practise vaulting and sliding depending on the height, and especially chainlink fences without nasty razorwire at the top, to practise scaling it fast enough that you can get to the top and be at least only at arms reach if they get to you. Of course you won't always pick the right path on the spur of the moment but if you know the area well, you can even walk or go full speed to practise some escape routes if you know them.

Another thing is that often it is just a matter of sprinting your ass off for like max 200m and then if you can scale a fence or other difficult obstacle, with aplomb, while your attacker was not prepared to do this, you can put massive distance between you. And don't write off hiding either. Sometimes you will be running past something you can get out of sight and then fall into a hole or behind a tree or climb into something that you can not be seen behind, and the attacker will likely run past and lose your trail.

Before you do anything else, escaping is always the best option. Furthermore, you should train yourself in situational awareness and places you are familar with, learn all the hiding spots and obstacles that your familiarity with can give you a few more seconds lead time. And if it is a stupid mugger or thug wanting to beat up your kind of people, sometimes simply getting yourself into a crowd of people can help, even just to a place where they are unlikely to be able to continue their attack easily while there could be 5, 10, 20 people there who will go 'hey hold up what the fuck is going on here?'.

It is better if you know where you are and your surroundings. Then you might not end up in a blind alley while running. Yes, hiding can be a good trick. Running and going to the public place can prevent the attackers for the time being. And you can get out of there.

The way you described every possible option that we have in a situation like this, that's impressive. Thank you so much @stalker.loki for your thought-provoking comment!

I only have been caught once :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Sicherlich ist dieses Thema nicht so einfach abzuhandeln.

Ob ich laufen kann, ob ich Selbstverteidigung beherrsche oder auch nicht, wenn ich in eine solche Situation gerate, gibt es heute keine Lösung mehr, die mir garantiert, dass ich davon komme.
Die Zeiten haben sich geändert und "Schwitzkasten" mit "Ich gebe auf" gibt es Heute nicht mehr.

Während ein Gejagter voll Adrenalin ist und um sein Leben fürchtet, sind der oder die Angreifer meist bereits in einem Rausch, wo normales Denken nicht mehr angesagt ist.
Die wollen dann nur noch vernichten.
Selbst Wehrlose auf dem Boden werden weiterhin regelrecht bearbeitet ohne aufzuhören.

Die "einzige" Möglichkeit ist, präventiv zu handeln.

Ein "Weltweit" berühmter Mann - leider mit 32 Jahren bereits verstorben - hat einmal - in einem seiner Filme - von der "Kunst des Kampfes ohne zu kämpfen" gesprochen.

Dies ist die einzige richtige Möglichkeit, davon zu kommen. Ohne Schaden zu erleiden.
Diese Kunst muss man verinnerlichen, indem man darüber nachdenkt. Sobald man sie begriffen hat, hat man die meisten Chancen, davon zukommen.
Ich praktiziere das seit mindestens 20 Jahren und hatte seid dem keine einzige Auseinandersetzung mehr.
(Das kann natürlich auch Zufall sein, dass nichts passiert ist!)

Jedem, der an seinem Leben hängt, kann ich nur raten, dass zu trainieren.

Der Filosof

It's too late to reply. Sorry, thank you so much @filosof103 for your comment. I read your comment using Google Translate. I agree with you. If you can stop the attacker without having a fight, that's always better. How you react and handle the situation, that can change the whole thing.

Thank you again for your thought-providing feedback!