United menang susah payah lawan Southampton

in blurtsports •  4 years ago 


Kalian penggemar Manchester United pasti bisa bernafas lega. Setelah sebelumnya harus gundah gulana melihat setan merah dibuat tak berkutik oleh Southampton.

Masih pemain andalannya Fernandes dan Cavani yang menjadi pahlawan malam ini. Fernandes menjaring satu gol sedangkan Cavani mencetak dua gol di akhir akhir babak kedua

Bagi United sendiri kemenangan ini sangatlah berharga. Mereka bisa menang di tiga partai terakhir berturut turut. Pelatih MU masih bisa bernafas lega walaupun banyak Pemain MU yang masih didera Cedera.

Dengan kemenangan tersebut United berangsur angsur merangkak naik kepapan atas klasemen Liga Premier Inggris. Saat ini MU ada di posisi ketujuh dengan poin 16 dan mereka masih punya satu pertandingan yang belum dimainkan.

Puncak klasèmen sendiri masih dikuasi oleh Liverpool yang kemungkinan akan digeser oleh pemenang pertandingan sebentar lagi Tottenham lawan Chelsea

Oke demikan saja ulasan dan hasil pertandingan MU


You Manchester United fans can definitely breathe a sigh of relief. Having previously had to be frustrated to see the red devils made no move by Southampton.

Still the mainstay players Fernandes and Cavani are the heroes tonight. Fernandes netted one goal while Cavani scored two late at the end of the second half

For United, this victory is very valuable. They can win in the last three games in a row. MU coach can still breathe freely even though many MU players are still suffering from injuries.

With this victory, United gradually crept up to the top of the English Premier League standings. United are currently in seventh position with 16 points and they still have one game left to play.

The top of the standings itself is still dominated by Liverpool, which is likely to be replaced by the winner of the match Tottenham vs Chelsea

Okay, that's it MU's review and match results

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