Bored and Frustrated? HIT THE BAG

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 

Hello Blurt World

As usual I was minding the shop this weekend and apart from the occasional drop in from Instructor Phil I was mostly alone. It can be a little boring and sometimes frustratingly so.



Bored? - Hit the bag cos there's nothing else to do!

Depressed? - Hit the bag like it's the bags fault!

Angry? - Hit the bag HARDER!

Too much energy? - Hit the bag ALOT

Feeling lethargic? Hit the damned bag it will energise you.

Feeling good? - Well lets be hitting the bag then LETS HAVE IT!


You really can't go wrong. It helps you get fit and it makes you feel good. It's a great mood changer and I always feel better afterwards. I honestly believe that during lock down if every home had been issued a punch bag it would have been of great benefit to many people. Just pop on the Rocky theme and give it some tasty licks. You know it makes sense.


I now have one at home and one at work. I often can't really be bothered to exercise but have no hesitation having a little workout on the bag. Even if it's only for a few minutes.
My preferred workout is one and a half minutes hitting the bag and 30 seconds rest. Usually I'll do 10 rounds but I've done way more on occasion if I really felt like it as sometimes after a few rounds you really start to get into it.


So that's how I navigated my way through a weekend that had little to offer me.


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