Badminton is a popular sport in Bangladesh. This game is played all over the country especially in winter. The Bangladesh Badminton Federation was formed in 1972 to organize and develop the game of badminton. Badminton is disappearing from Bangladesh, but the federation has recently appointed more skilled officials to make the game popular again.They have found a sponsor to organize the game. So it can now be brought to the fore as a competitive game. The Bangladesh Badminton Federation is organizing a nationwide best player search competition to form a team with the best players. National championship games are being held regularly. Bangladesh team is participating in the international championship with teams from other countries of the world. Badminton is one of the best sports for competition and enjoyment.
★The way badminton is played
- In badminton, your goal will be to hit the shuttle with your racquet in such a way that it runs over the net and touches the ground of your opponent's court. Every time you do that, you win a rally. If you can win more rallies then you win the whole match. Your opponent's goal is the same. He will hold the shuttle in his racket and try to send it back to your court halves.You will, of course, win a rally against any of your opponents' mistakes: if he hits the shuttle in the net or crosses it under the net, or if the shuttle goes off the court and touches the ground, you will win a rally. Whenever you realize that your opponent's shot is going off the court, you should let it fall to the ground without touching your racquet. Instead, if you hit the shuttle, the rally will continue as before.A rally ends when the shuttle touches the ground once. This is not like playing badminton, tennis or squash, where the ball can bounce or jump. When hitting the shuttle you have to touch it once and cross it over the net (same rule when playing double). Badminton, however, is not like volleyball where multiple players on the team can play ball over the net before passing it to the opponent's court.
★Rules for scoring badminton points
A match is played with 3 games of 21 points.
One point is earned for each serving.
The party that wins a rally adds one point to its score.
At the end of the game with a total of 20 points, the side that took the first 2 point lead will win.
The team that can score the 30th point at the end of the game with a total of 29 points will win.
The party that wins a game will serve at the beginning of the next game.
Breaks and side changes
There will be a break of 60 seconds in the game when the leading point reaches 11.
If you wish, you can take a break of 2 minutes between two consecutive games.
If the leading point in the third match is 11, the players will change sides.
Single gameHe will serve from his right court at the start of the game (0-0) and when the server scores a pair. If the server's score is an odd number, it will serve from its left court.
When a server wins a rally, the server gets one point and then serves by changing the server court.
If the receiver wins a rally, a point will be added to his score and he will be the server. Always serve from the right service court - if the score is odd then from the left court and if the score is even then from the right service court.
Dual gameOne from each side will be able to play the service.
The service game goes from one player to another according to the rotation rules shown in the diagram.
At the beginning of the game and when the score is an even number the server will serve from its right service court. When it is odd it will serve from its left service court.
If the serving party wins the rally, a point will be added to the saving party score and the same server will change the service court and serve again.
If the serving party loses a rally, the receiving party will receive one point. Then the receiving party will become the new saving party.
None of the players will be able to change their respective service courts until they have scored a point.
★Equipment needed for the game
- Badminton requires some equipment according to the rules of the game such as: racquet, shuttle, net, post and court.
- The ball-shaped base of the shuttle is made of rubber or shola and is covered with leather. Inside the base is a knotted part of the shuttle's skirt that is made up of interconnected feathers that help the shuttle float in the air and run back and forth. The shuttle is a small thing that eats the house of the racket and runs from side to side over the net.

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Badminton racket
The main structure of a badminton racket is made up of a handle with an attractive shaft which is then firmly attached to the head of the racket in place of its neck. The spaces at the tip or head are filled with synthetic yarn weave. Each player has a racket in his hand. The shuttle was hit with a racket during the game.