The ONLY sport I like...

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 

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Hi, I hope you all are doing alright, know before you start reading I would like to say something. This is only my opinion just because this is the only sport I like to play doesn't mean I don't like other sports it's just this one is the only one that interests me and this is my opinion.

Now that that's off my chest I can continue. So you know how a lot of people like different types of sports well my favorite one is Hockey. Now a lot of you are probably like 'oh hockey great.' Well, you can say what you wanna but that's not gonna get me to change my mind.

My love for hockey must have started when I was ten because my mum, my little brother, and I always waited after school for my sister's hockey practices.

I always didn't pay attention to it until the year after when I was allowed to join the club.

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I was always scared and embarrassed because I was one of the youngest there besides another girl that was my age, other then her it was just a whole bunch of people that were two years older than me.

One week after I had joined the club I quit because I didn't think I was good enough, but the teacher that was managing the club told me that I was good. So with that, I joined again and this time I didn't quit.

Another reason I love hockey is probably because we won the championships out of our hole country so that was pretty cool.

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I guess hockey is the only sport that appeals to me because my sister did soccer/football, netball, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

And I guess after two years of just waiting and going to games that it just became boring to me. I like to play sports for fun but in a club and stuff, it can get pretty annoying.

So yeah that's the reason why hockey is the only sport I like.


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