The most boring sport...

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 

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Howdy, how are you all doing? Many people have different opinions so if you like this sport then good on you and if your like me and think it's boring then welcome to the club.
The most boring sport in my opinion is GOLF, yes golf. So you might be thinking why do you dislike golf so much? Have you played it before and disliked it? Did you have a bad injury and now you dislike it?

The funny thing is that I haven't played golf before but I have played video games of the sport.

But then again there's nothing much to it, it's just hitting a ball into a hole that you have to find and the person with the least amount of hits wins. That's it no second half or nothing just hitting a ball into a hole in the ground.

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Sigh I'm pretty sure only old people play golf. looks around the room only to find a whole bunch of young people glaring at me.

Umm, I mean it's a game for all ages. Anyway, I just find the whole concept boring. I guess you have to train to play otherwise you would be like me holding it upside down and knocking myself out a couple of times.

And that is the most boring sport in my opinion.

Hope you enjoyed until next time,

Love Lillacfox.

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