Benefits of Sport

in blurtsport •  4 years ago  (edited)

Benefits of Sports

Hello friends of Blurt, at this moment I bring you an interesting post where I indicate the most important benefits of sport, where I also indicate that practicing different types of sport is very important for growth, personal development, and mental. The focus, concentration and determination that each sport entails is decisive for its execution, each discipline brings a large number of advantages that are probably unknown. At any age you can do exercises, what matters is to keep the body active and take advantage of the benefits that these sports offer.




1. Improve concentration.

The realization of each sport, each one must practice the different movements since at the moment of carrying out the maneuver this can be carried out without any problem with total normality.

In the case of Karate, it is essential to be with the mind concentrated so that there are no mistakes when making a kata or a kumite. If you deconcentrate when making a kata you can go wrong and lose points in the competitions. And if you deconcentrate in full kumite, your opponent can take advantage of that and put you at a great disadvantage. That is why a lot of concentration is required, which will also be applied in your day to day.


2. Improves circulation

The blood vessels decrease over the years. However, staying active practicing any sport causes it to be delayed and you will have a stronger and healthier heart and thus be able to pump more volumes of blood.


3. Flexibility.

Due to the movements and stretches made in the different practices, the different joints of the body will gain a lot of flexibility, the degree of movement of the joints will be greater.


4. Tones the muscles.

When practicing sport you will be constantly exercising your body muscles, gaining muscle weight and toning them.


5. Increase coordination

Since the different extremities are used for sport, the coordination between body, mind and spirit will be much greater and will give great reliability.


6. Socialize.

One of the best ways to socialize with people is to practice different sports. For example, karate is a sport that is not practiced alone, so you can make new friends in your work group, just like in football.

All sports are practiced as a team and at the time of competitions, there are some where you compete with the team, giving as an example the football. And others where you do not compete directly with your team, that is, they are individual, giving as an example the karate, where your team is in the stands supporting and encouraging you.



Practicing sports constantly helps to have a rejuvenated mind-body, helps you to perform more, both socially and psychologically, eliminating low self-esteem, since these benefits that sport brings to health are important for its determination and development. It also instills values ​​as a way to comply with rules improving their quality of life by creating a good conscience in this way.

Note: The children of the photos are my younger brothers who asked me to come out in my posts and who work in different sports.

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