RIP Maradona

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 


Diego Maradona died today of heart arrest. He is considered by many the best football player of all time, of course this is opinion, I guess many people think someone else is. I think there are many players who are underrated including George Best and Jorge "Magico" Gonzales, perhaps you can think of someone else. Personally I do think Maradona has been the best, Maradona did things that really looked impossible, plus he did make me have a very high bar for measuring players as I used him as a benchmark which is unfair on other players, i have not yet seen anyone just do the things he did without even thinking and he did them in one touch without stopping.

And really don't think I was a Maradona fan boy I didn't like him at all, I actually hated him when he scored the handball against England and hated him more when he scored the second goal (And I am not English), I considered him a cheat. But now with hindsight I don't see things in the same way, actually the hand ball should have been disallowed by the referee, he and the lineman are responsible for this.

Many just say he doesn't deserve anything because he was a cocaine addict, now what does cocaine have to do with football? He was probably the greatest and he will live on in the football world as that. And despite many people really nearly hating him he was a people's man, always ready to back the people who were less fortunate than himself.

RIP Diego Armando Maradona

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