in blurtsport •  4 years ago 

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A good one for the Manchester United team as they emerge top in the English league table. After the match between them and Liverpool yesterday at the Old Trafford Stadium which ended with 3 from Manchester United team and 2 from Liverpool team (3-2).

Although we all know that football can be so unpredictable and we can't tell who will be standing among the first five as things change every minute and second. Liverpool is trying to keep up with the game and doing their best, I guess their best isn't good enough.

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Inasmuch as all the teams and their coaches want the cup so badly, all they need to do now is to work on their defense or face more loss in every match they encounter but if they put more effort, they might be a brighter future for them in the league, and Uefa Champions League.

The Manchester United was unstoppable yesterday and played incredibly well to make sure Liverpool got no chances of surviving their roar and it was an eyesore although the result wasn't bad because the Liverpool team gave out their best.

I guess I would say, this is the time for Manchester United to shine out brighter since they've succeeded in moving from the 15th position to the 1st position and I am sure they plan on retaining that position that is why they are not giving any chances to any team to be flogged.

It shows how much they've improved and I am sure, there fans all around the world are proud of them as I am proud of them as well because they've moved into the next round of the competition.

I am sure one of the reasons why they dropped tremendously from their first position to fourth in the league is because of one of the team member Van Dijk who got injured earlier this season and I am sure, this as been a difficult situation for them to keep on being at the top.

Although their current position which is the fourth position isn't really a bad one but it is not a guarantee that the cup will be there's this season if they don't put more effort to work as a team to be able to cover up their poor defense.

Anyway, I don't think it will be too bad if they don't make it to the top. I am not saying, I don't want them to make it but considering the fact that last season was all about them, they could also leave the seat and allow someone else sits there just for this season.

New dawn as come, the dawn of Manchester united. Just hope they keep on soaring high and I say a big congratulations to them.

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