Is it worth practicing any sport?

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 


"Glory is being happy. Glory is not winning here or there. Glory is enjoying practicing, enjoying every day, enjoying working hard, trying to be a better player than before."
Rafael Nadal.
(Considered one of the best tennis players in the world)

Sport is a very important activity in the life of human beings for physical, mental, intellectual, personal, and also spiritual reasons.

In the physical part, sport helps us to keep them in excellent condition, enviable health, and in addition to a great athletic complexion, it also offers us an admirable aesthetic beauty.

In the mental part, it helps us to synchronize our thinking by developing the ability to think orderly.

The intellectual part is very similar to the mental part but differs in that we learn to solve problems with relative ease, which is not so easy for those who do not practice any sport.


Personally, sportsmen and women develop a very active personality and get used to competing for their achievements, if necessary by outperforming non-sportsmen and women.

A person who has practiced sports all his life maintains a great physical and healthy balance, complemented by a personality that adapts to all situations and manages to overcome the fear of difficulties.

In the spiritual realm, there are few sportsmen and women who do not do good deeds, demonstrating love for their fellow men and women.

Many athletes have known other latitudes and traveling to other countries thanks to being a high-performance sportsman.

Others have had a pleasant life because they made sport a very productive business; in short, sport unites people, society, family, and individuals in particular.


When children play sports, they are usually very advanced students because of the mental fluency they achieve through physical exercise. As an expansion of life, sport is a very healthy entertainment that serves as a hobby for those who practice it and also for those who do not practice it.


Sport keeps us away from vices, bad habits, and crime and makes us healthy and useful citizens.

If you want to obtain stable physical and mental health and an active and coherent personality, then practice some sport and you will feel the satisfaction of recreating yourself in an activity that besides being very healthy, keeps you healthy and happy.

Isn't it worth playing a sport?

I would like to know what sports you practice and why you practice them!

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