Why I’m a Huge Fan of Darts Games...

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 


Happy new year awesome people… it is good to be back and great that the awesome blurt platform and community is back to normal after a few days of offline… new year, new vibes, new and great things to come… exciting times ahead. Continuing from where I stopped in 2020… I know I sounded like it’s been ages… but in reality last year was just a few days back :D. I will be continuing my “why I’m a huge fan” series where I get to talk about some of the sports and esports i like and I’m a huge fan of. In this post I will be talking about darts games…

Like I have made mention in some of my previous posts, darts is one of my favorite indoor sports, hence why I like the game version as well. I became a big fan of darts way back in my high school days when I first came across it at a sports club center. I was fascinated how easy it was to get started with it. Unlike other indoor sports like chess, table tennis, snooker and other fun indoor sports. Getting started with darts is actually very easy… as easy as picking up the projectile arrow and launching it at the circular darts board with markings and points, aiming at the dead center of the circular darts board. As the project sticks to the darts board, the closer the projectile to the center, the more points you will score as the player. Getting the projectile to stick at the center, the maximum points you will score. It is such a fun sport to play and I play it a lot with friends.

Much like every other sport games, there’s an esports version. I didn’t think I was ever going to be a fan of darts game because I didn’t think it was possible to enjoy darts as a video game – so for me, I was a bit skeptical about how good the gameplay would be for a sport that is played by throwing… when I first tried I was blown away with how fun the gameplay is. Not the greatest but it was fully enjoyable. At the moment, there a couple of darts games most especially on mobile and even though not all are great, I have played some really cool and fun ones. The only thing I would have wanted in some of the darts games I have played so far on mobile is multiplayer feature… I’m pretty sure there could be a darts game with that feature already, but I haven’t come across it yet. Multiplayer would make it 10x better for me. For me, as far as gaming is concerned, multiplayer is one of the most important features to complete the overall gaming experience. Darts games are fun and amazing, hence why I’m a huge fan of them.

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