Swimming and Why It Can Be Great For Fitness – Keeping Fit and Staying Healthy…

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 


Hi all, welcome to another post of mine… Another new day, bright sky and a perfect weather – not cold, not warm – great weather condition to allow creative juices to flow. Even though things aren’t fully back to normal as they used to, there are a lot of great things happening around as we keep hoping for things to normalize and return to normal fully. For the football lovers out there, especially the premier league fans, it is time to be excited as premier league football will return this weekend. I am a huge fan of the premier league even though I like Real Madrid, I like watching the premier league as well, it is probably one of, if not the most entertaining leagues in the world.

Back to the focus of today, but before I go straight into the topic for today - in my previous post, I talked about Darts and why it is one of my best indoor sports… As always, It was a really fun topic to write about as I had to express myself a bit more freely in the post since it was basically about my personal opinions. Today, I will be talking about swimming and why it can be great for fitness. I have talked about fitness previously and touched on aerobic sports and how it can be great for keeping fit – Since swimming is a type of aerobic sport, it is fair to say that this post is a sub continuation of that.

Swimming is yet another awesome aerobic sport or exercise which can be known as cardio. I have to say, as fun as swimming sounds, there are a lot of persons who don’t like swimming at all, in fact some persons have phobia for large pool of water let alone the thought of going inside to swim. While swimming is a BIG no no for some persons, it is fun for others. There are some section of persons that don’t joke with swimming that they literally can’t stay a day without diving inside a swimming pool – maybe except during very cold weather conditions. Some see swimming as a great way to exercise as they say that swimming is probably one of the best forms of exercise and for those practicing fitness.

Learning how to swim for the first time can be very challenging and difficult especially for someone who haven’t swam before, it can be a terrifying experience. But once the fear stage is overcomed, it is a lot easier to grasp the techniques. According to research, there are a lot of benefits that come with swimming one of them is obviously fitness. Some of the benefits are it can help keep your heart rate up, it is also a great way to build your endurance, great for strengthening your muscle and as always, a great form of cardio which is very important for fitness. Keeping fit and staying fit is very important for good health as we all know the importance of good health.

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I have always loved swimming and my friends and I would go fishing and swim in the river nearby.

Water is life and it soothes us and makes us calm. One of the best things to do on a weekend.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Like swimming, hate sharks lol