Squash – The Not So Popular but Fun and Amazing Indoor Sport

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 


Hi all, welcome to another post of mine… As usual, It is fun and exciting new day again as we look forward to exciting things ahead. If you haven’t read my previous post, yesterday I talked about bowling and why it is a fun and friendly indoor sport to play and enjoy... Today, I will be talking about an indoor sport called squash – another very fun and entertaining indoor sport…

When you talk of indoor sports that is fun to play then squash is definitely one of them. Alongside indoor sports like bowling, darts, squash has its own unique flavor and is a really fun sport to play. It is a very interesting indoor sport that provides recreation. Similar to racket sport like badminton, squash is played in a court as well but in an enclosed court instead of an open court in the case of badminton – The sport is played using a racket and a ball as projectile. However, squash is a lot different from let say badminton, even though the number of players is the same as badminton…

The aim of the players is to strike the ball using their racket to hit the playable surfaces of the walls of the court. As fun as this sport is, not many people know about it, in fact, I actually didn’t know about it until just few years back when I came across it. The good news is that it is beginning to gain popularity as people begin to appreciate the sports and see how fun it is to play and enjoy. As it is gaining more popularity, it is also becoming a very serious sport at a competitive level as well. Like I normally say when it comes to sport, most especially indoor sports that is packed with so much fun - yes squash is a fun and entertaining indoor sport, it also comes with a whole lot of benefits as well, most especially for fitness which if you have followed my previous contents, you will notice that I put a lot of focus on fitness and topics related to fitness.

Similar to other sports, playing squash is a great aerobic sport or cardiovascular (cardio) activity which is great for fitness and very beneficial to the health. It is a very good way to lose weight – the movements during the game helps the body as well. Another good thing about playing squash is that is can help improve coordination, flexibility and reflexes. While this is a bit outside the main benefits of playing indoor sports like squash, squash can also help Improve social skills - depending on where you are playing the game, you can make new friends as well – which could turn out to be the best decision in the long term. Above all, I like squash a lot as it is a great way to catch some fun and the same time keeping fit.

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