My Top 3 Favorite Indoor Sports…

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 

Indoor sports has always been some of my favorite types of sports… In this post, I will be writing about my top 5. I think I’ve written about most of the sports individually, however, I haven’t really talked about them in order and for me, making a top 5 of my favorite indoor sport seems pretty cool – so why not… Here are my top 3 favorite indoor sports…


Table tennis

I have always loved table tennis even during my childhood days, but I didn’t know how to actually play table tennis until few years ago when I finally was able to wrap my head around it and learn how to play the table tennis. I have to say that learning how to play tennis was one of the most amazing things. Before when I go to the games, I just see and watch people play table tennis and display their skills and reflexes and all I could do was just to admire. Until I finally not only learnt how to play, but got pretty good at it quickly than I thought. Tennis is a whole of fun to play and like every other sport, the more you play, the better you become and the more you develop your reflexes.



Snooker is just below table tennis in my list of favorite indoor sport. For me, it has a similar backstory as table tennis in the sense that it was a sport that I was really fascinated about back in the days. Compared to table tennis which requires a lot of skills and practice to be really good at it, snooker is a lot less difficult to learn and be good at it. In fact, once you learn the basics and understand angles, you can do pretty well in snooker. One of the things I love about snooker is the mental reasoning that goes into the sport… you have always calculate every shot which we all know the benefits of training the brain to think calculatively.



Darts is also one of my favorite indoor sport… maybe not in the same level as table tennis and snooker, but it is a sport I like a lot. One of the things I like about darts is its simplicity and how easy it is to get started. Compared to a lot of other indoor sports that require skills and learning, anyone can pick up darts and start playing… in fact, I didn’t learn how to play darts… I was fortunate enough to have darts around and started playing right away with friends. It is another very fun sports that anyone can play. Nonetheless even though darts is basically as simple as throwing the darts or arrow at the dartsboard, it requires some level of skill and practice as the aim of the player is to hit the center of the dartboard which is called Bull or Bullseye to score max points. You also score point by hitting the areas around the center but the main goal is always to aim for the center.

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Hello. Interesting post. I didn't know about snooker, but I tried to use the rest.

We had table tennis, but since I was blind, I couldn't hit the target very well, so those who were nearby controlled my hand. That's just not interesting, so I stopped doing it.

I really liked Darts, which is interesting. I liked the way the Darts hit the Dartboard. But of course, in the top ten very rarely hit, and more often outside the Board, because the residual vision deceives at the expense of the position of the Board.
But more often it happened that I got closer to the center (5, 6, 7).

I also like to do exercises in the morning (of course, this is not a sport, but it invigorates well) and dance.
I started dancing randomly to music 5 days ago, and I remember how my legs started hurting two days later: -).

I also went to the gym a year ago, where I ran, pulled a barbell, and so on, but I realized that it wasn't mine.

Thank you for the post.

PS I Thought to write a post in response to yours, but then I realized that it would be too short, and without pictures, because I don't see them, so I decided to just write a comment.

Table tennis, snooker and darts are really amazing and fun sports.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I would add air hockey.

Not played air hockey before... but is looks like a fun sports