Chess, Chess and More Chess…

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 


Chess, one of the most popular board games with a huge huge reputation. Just like I talked about yesterday in my post about checkers, I have a big history with Chess, I love it as I find it as one of the most incredible board game inventions. Learning chess was really difficult for me back then when I first came across the game. I found it really interesting the amount of strategy and thinking that goes into a chess game that it instantly got my attention.

But I have to say, the rules and gameplay is so complicated, that the learning curve is quite steep. It takes a really long time to get really good at playing chess… most times people think knowing the rules and how to play the game means they know how to play chess effectively… that is somewhat correct, but chess is a really difficult game to get really good at… that is why there are competitions where incredibly talented chess players participate in.

Like I said earlier, my love for Chess grew when I was able to learn the rules and how to move the pieces. Not like checkers where I learnt it pretty quickly, learning chess for me was a lot harder than I thought. But I was able to learn it and got pretty decent at it. There is this amazing feeling when you learn how to play chess, maybe it is because of the reputation chess has compared to other board games… you just feel a lot smarter as a chess player. That says it all about the game. Chess has made a name of itself as being a smart peoples’ game, that is why people somehow tend to associate chess players as smart.

According to some people, playing chess improves your brain and makes you smarter in your thinking and how you think strategically that is why almost all the pro chess players have a high iq and thinking capacity. In my opinion, Chess is definitely a great board game to play as it is not only fun, but also offers a lot of benefits. For me, even though I hardly play chess the way I play checkers or other fun board games, chess is definitely up there as one of my favorite board games. When you play chess against someone that is good, it can get frustrating, but at the same time, it is really fun and exciting.

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