Checkers, Checkers and More Checkers…

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 


Checkers or Draughts whichever one you want to call it is one of the most popular board games played by many all over the world. It is one of those board games that have been heavily compared to chess which is probably the king of board games because of its reputation and the level in which it is played due to their similarities and how they look on the outside. Checkers and Chess are pretty similar especially the board itself, but the playing pieces of both are very different. Without a doubt chess is on a whole different level compard to Checkers and is a lot more difficult as well. There is a whole lot of skills, strategy and thinking involved in chess compared to Checkers is considered much easier to chess.

The story behind how I started playing Checkers is quite an interesting one. We all know how difficult it is to play chess well. I mean well to be able to win a chess match, not just knowing the rules and how to move the pieces around. Being able to win a chess match against someone who can play is a proof that you can atleast play it. For me, it took me quite a long time to even understand how chess is played let alone understand the rules… I’ve always admired when people play the game and the strategy and level of details as far as thinking is concerned when playing the game, but for some reason, it was very difficult for me to understand it. I know I’m not the only one on this as it was the same for many people as well.

I somehow came across Checkers and it looked very similar to chess, at least the board which is pretty much the same as a chess board. In fact, you can play chess using a Checkers board, that is how the same both boards are. When I came across Checkers, I was kinda curious on how the game was played, similar to chess but different gameplay. So it drew my attention and I was interested in the game. After checking the game out, I found out it was a lot easier compared to chess and the rules were much easier to understand. I love strategy a lot and anything that requires strategic thinking, so it was normal for me, like the game instantly… Since it was much easier for me to understand the rules and how the game was played, it was logical to start playing it. I played it against a couple of friends and continuous practice, I was able to get good at it, not great, but I was pretty good at it and won a lot of matches as well. It is so much fun to play and because I played it before attempting chess, I preferred it to chess and liked it more. Right now, it is one of my favorite board games.

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