Khabib, thank you. You are a legend. Phenomenal career.

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 

Wow man. If I had any doubt whatsoever about Khabib's dominance as an MMA fighter, all doubt is GONE.

Before Khabib even announced his retirement after the fight, I was firmly in awe.

I said in my little preview post that whoever wins this championship fight, will have made a major statement. Khabib made a legendary statement.

What I just watched, was so impressive. Perhaps the most impressive performance I have ever seen from Khabib. He was just all over Justin who did land some decent shots. But the whole time while they were standing Khabib was also landing shots. It felt like Khabib was wet concrete, just slowly beginning to mold around Justin and trap him. Khabib was like an angry boa constrictor fighting a particularly feisty bit of prey. The end seemed inevitable really. Well, perhaps as soon as I saw Khabib get a good hold of him I knew it was inevitable.

When Khabib had a hold of him it was truly like a father playfully wrestling with his son. It looked entirely too easy. Justin literally seemed to have zero defense. Khabib manipulated Justin's limbs with honestly comedic ease.

Khabib has nothing left to prove. I am beyond impressed. I'm in awe. There isn't a single fighter this man has faced that stood a chance. Khabib was scary tonight. He was so determined. Well, he always seems to be determined.

Khabib was very close to his father who passed away recently. After the fight he was in tears, obviously thinking of and remembering his father. If you read any of my blogs, you know I wish I had my father around growing up, I literally can't imagine Khabib's pain. I can admire his love for his father though.

I grew up wrestling and did a couple weeks of jiu-jitsu. The way Khabib treats grown men on the floor is astounding. It's so impressive and I wish stupid striking loving only people would grasp that MMA is MMA, not kickboxing. What Khabib is, was, capable of in that octagon is nothing short of generational talent. It's art, it's beautiful.

Khabib is on the level, if not above, Floyd, MJ, Brady, Lebron, any athlete you can think of. Khabib is there.

I feel lucky to have watched this greatness through several fights. I look forward to re-watching them in the future.

Another thing I will always love about Khabib and his career is his character and humbleness. It's admirable. Even beyond that though, he was always so sure of his victory and dominance with such simplicity like, yes the sky is blue and he will be victorious. He was such a confident fighter with an iron mindset it's just one of a kind.

To dominate in the 155 pound division, a division often regarded as the deepest and most competitive, is just so impressive. It's my theory that 155 is so competitive because 155 pounds is like the average size of a man in the world really. If you don't watch MMA you must understand that the fighters are not truly 155 pounds all the time. The fighters cut weight, much of the time 30-50 pounds. So fighters in the 155 pound division are really about anywhere between 180-205 pounds roughly I would say. For Khabib to just ragdoll those men is just incredible.

The way Khabib dispatched Justin tonight and the way he dispatched so many others, it's clear as day to me that Khabib could have went on to dominate for much much longer. The man is so skilled and physically strong.

He seems pretty set on retiring because his mother asked him to not compete since his father is not around anymore. Khabib seems to be a classy, traditional, loyal man. It seems the retirement is pretty legit.

There is maybe one percent of a chance he comes back and that's if George St-Pierre comes out of retirement like he keeps teasing. That would be epic. But I don't think it's very likely.

But anyway. Thank you Khabib. What a legendary career. Your fights will be studied and admired forever by sports fans and future fighters.

Grappling is still the most valuable skill of all when it comes to fighting and self defense.

Thanks for an epic career Khabib. You are a legend and a role model. You'll always be one of my favorite fighters ever.


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