Alisha is the face of Bengal in rugby

in blurtsport •  4 years ago 


Baba is an MP from Tangail-6 constituency. The mother is Thai. The couple's daughter Alisha Islam is now the captain of the Bangladesh women's rugby team after studying in the United States.

A young man from Bangladesh went to study in Thailand in the mid-nineties. While studying BBA at Azampson University there, he met Thai girl Ira Swingsarasam. Then love and marriage. Going to study abroad makes someone feel good, marriage — that's how it is. What does this story have to do with playing it?

The relationship is that one of the three children of this Ashanul Islam-Aria Islam couple is the captain of the national women's rugby team of Bangladesh today. The game may be new in Bangladesh, but being the captain of a national team in a game is a great achievement. Alisha Islam is so proud of herself.

Alisha was born in 1996 in Bangkok. Alisha is the eldest of three siblings, then the younger brother. Alisha is not only the captain of the Bangladesh women's rugby team, but also the development officer of the Bangladesh rugby after completing a label one coaching course. Baba Ahsanul Islam is currently an MP from Tangail-6 constituency. Grandfather is former MP Haji Maqbool Hossain. Alisha is still saddened by the loss of her grandfather in Corona on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr. 'Grandpa loved me very much. I didn't think he would leave like this.

Alisha was the first woman to become the captain of a rugby team in Bangladesh. He became acquainted with rugby from 2014-18 while studying BBA at Temple University in Philadelphia, USA. Go to rugby country and fall in love with rugby. He played regularly in the university team. He played football, basketball and tennis while studying at Patana International School in Bangkok in 2012-14. He also does karate and kick boxing.

Although she was born in Thailand, Alisha received her primary education and grew up in Bangladesh. Even after spending many years abroad, the relationship with Bangladesh is deep. However, for a while Alisha did not know that rugby is also played in Bangladesh, 'I finished my studies in the United States in 2016. When I returned to the country in February 2019, I did not know that rugby was played in Bangladesh. One day I saw in the newspaper that there was a rugby tournament. It did not play. However, it has been played for the first time in a tournament of Poyala Boishakh.


Alisha has played in two domestic tournaments in the country so far. She became the best player in the national women's rugby held last February. However, in the final, Alisha's team lost to Tangail Thakurgaon by 5-10 points. Excited to see the participation of 16 teams in the tournament, Alisha said, The girls gave 200 percent in the tournament on the field. My enthusiasm has increased a lot. I did not know that there are so many big rugby families in Bangladesh. There is no money, but everyone loves the game.

Bangladesh National Women's Rugby Team was formed last year after Alisha came for the sake of that love. Alisha also took part in the camp in Rangpur. Last August, the team took part in the first tournament in Indonesia (Asian Qualifying Round, Seven A Side). The match with Chinese Taipei ended in a draw with 10-10 points and a loss in the remaining three. But not the result, the game was big for the rugby girls of Bangladesh.

Rugby 15-'A side national team has not yet been formed in Bangladesh. The A side is a lot like the T20 in cricket. 7 minutes and two halves. 15-'A side 60 minutes game. Alisha likes Seven A side more. But he could have tried to play for Thailand if he wanted! Why didn't you do that? There is a proliferation of rugby in Thailand, the future is much better. Alisha, a 22-year-old girl, said in a somewhat unfamiliar Bengali, I love Bangladesh. On his return from the United States, his father said that there was a rugby federation in Dhaka. You can play here if you want. This is how communication took place.

In the United States, playing rugby is like eating three meals a day. Alisha has strengthened the foundation of rugby while playing there. Coming to the country, he has been able to present himself in the crowd of other players as an exception. Apart from rugby, his favorite sports are football and tennis. Play the guitar outside, take pictures. I like to read psychology books. Mausum Ali, general secretary of Bangladesh Rugby Federation, said, 'Many girls are coming to rugby after seeing him. A Member of Parliament's daughter is playing rugby, it's a big deal.

All in all, Alisha's only prayer now is that Corona's nightmare should end soon. Only then will you be able to return to the field. Thinking about that, Alisha's voice is thrilled now.

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