in blurtsport •  4 years ago 

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Hi blurters happy Sunday, just want to talk a bit ablot rugby sport.
The above description may sound simple - but there is one catch. In order to go forward, the ball must be passed backwards. The ball can be kicked forwards, but the kicker’s team mates must be behind the ball at the moment the ball is kicked.
This apparent contradiction creates a need for fine teamwork and great discipline, as little can be achieved by any one individual player. Only by working as a team can players move the ball forward towards their opponents’ goal line and eventually go on to win the game.

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Rugby has its unique aspects, but like many other sports it is essentially about the creation and use of space. The winners of a game of Rugby will be the team of players who can get themselves and the ball into space and use that space wisely, while denying the opposing team both possession of the ball and access to space in which to use it.

Scoring points


Try - 5 points

Try signal
A try is scored when the ball is grounded over the opponents’ goal line in the in-

Conversion - 2 points
After scoring a try, that team can attempt to add two further points by kicking the ball over the crossbar and between the posts from a place in line with where the try was scored.

Penalty -
3 points

Penalty signal
When awarded a penalty after an infringement by the opposition, a team may choose to kick at goal.

Drop goal - 3 points
A drop goal is scored when a player kicks for goal in open play by dropping the ball onto the ground and kicking it on the half-volley.



If a player chooses not to pass the ball to a team mate or run with it, that player may kick the ball instead. The kick can travel forwards, but any team mates in front of the ball at the moment the ball is kicked are out of play until either they retire behind the kicker or are played onside by a team mate.
Retaining possession of the ball following a kick is a challenge. Kicking strategies include:
kicking into space, so that team mates have time to run onto the ball before an opponent can get to it
kicking out wide, at an oblique angle to the field, so that the wing or outside centre can catch the ball
kicking the ball to touch (off the field of play) resulting in a lineout with the throw-in to the opposition. This concedes possession of the ball but allows the kicking team to contest for the ball in a much more advantageous position on the field.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  
  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for calling this out.
Please do well and call others out.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I’m sorry for this, I will work on myself

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Blurt don't encourage down vote, kindly stop copy and paste.
More always try to use correct tags.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I’m sorry I will work on myself