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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It moves and It moves not. It is far and also It is near. It is within and also It is without all this. - Isha Upanishad

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What does it mean?

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, ..... But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty." -The Logia ( Sayings of Jesus 30 AD)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Jesus the neoplatonist ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Jesus the Pantheist.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Enlightenment ... don’t know what it is ...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
