Something Magnetic Under Your Skin

in blurtshorts •  3 years ago 

So, you believe there is nothing off-label in the toxic gene-jabs?

Take a look at this video

Looks like the same two guys in this earlier, shorter, video, showing how the jab site reacts to a magnet.

Now, this does not mean that every gene-jab has graphene oxide - that would be way too obvious, nor that the small black solid is actually graphene oxide (GO), but it does warrant further analysis and investigation.

That's what real science does - it starts with a clue and then investigates - you know, like TV detectives.

If you prefer to believe your masters, then you will believe anything - and everything.

As GO is magnetic and black, it should also show up if a magnet is placed on a gene-jab vial. See what your authorised jabber says.

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