Coffee and Bell

in blurtshorts •  4 years ago 


Pavlov used a bell as a conditioned stimulus and food as an unconditioned stimulus for learning a behavior. Now the greater the time between the ring of the bell and the serving of the food was delayed then the more difficult it would be for the dog to learn the behavior. This is called "Classical Conditioning".

Let's compare this to what happened in my office Monday morning. The first thing I saw was the coffee. On my desk were placed one can of coffee and one ice Americano. The can coffee was a double expresso. Either somebody out there loves me or somebody is conditioning me to wake up Monday morning.

I have five classes in a row on Monday and sometimes I am like a Zombie going from class to class. This week I have one can coffee, one Americano and one bell. Maybe next week I will just have the Americano and the bell. Finally it will be just the lonely bell. I think somehow the conditioning must be carried out with the caffeine. The bell alone will not be enough.

So the big question: Can I be conditioned to start Monday without coffee?

My favorite Americano song

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I use coffee as a crutch as well, but it can be done. Physical exertion will quickly wake one up and get the adrenaline going, which is healthier. Coffee is actually a poison and the rush of energy is the fight or flight hormones rushing because of it. It's also why it acts as a laxative for some as the body is trying to expel it quickly.

Best of luck on giving it up. I'm down to half a cup in the morning now, but only so I can get it out of me before starting work where I might not have access or a break to use a restroom for 8-12 hours.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It's that one drug they push at church... caffeine.

8-12 hours with no break is worse than a truck driver. I don't need coffee. It really just ended up on my desk. I have stomach problems and shouldn't drink it. At the same time I love coffee. I have been using black tea for a year and recently green tea to slowly get off the caffeine. The problem is stunts like this. People see me looking like a zombie and think it will be ok if they give me coffee.

Please take a long break today. 8-12 hours with no break must be illegal in the US.

8-12 hours with no break must be illegal in the US.

It is, but there is no way many times to stop. The utility crews are blocking the road and there would be accidents without someone directing the traffic around them. I could complain, but given this is how all traffic control companies work it's safe to assume that the government looks the other way. Not surprising since the utility companies have a lot of political power.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Bottom line is if your job sucks you keep it, but do stay healthy out there.